Sunday 5 November 2017

The Rabbit Who Wanted Everything

Hello, everyone.

    The story that I am going to tell you today is about a rabbit who was jealous of all the animals. He wanted to have everything. One day a fairy grants all his wishes and then see what happens. Is he happy or not?

    Read on and find out for yourselves. I had read this story when I was a little girl. It is one of my favourite stories.

The Rabbit Who Wanted Everything

    Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit in the forest. He was jealous of everyone. 

    He was jealous of the giraffe’s long neck and long legs. He wished he had a neck and legs like that he would be so happy.

    He was jealous of the elephant’s ears and the long trunk. He wished he had ears like that he would be so happy.

    He was jealous of the bird’s wings. He wished he had wings so he could fly like a bird and then he would be so happy.

    He was also jealous of the owl’s big eyes. He wished he could have those he would be so happy.

    He sighed and he sighed and wished and wished with all his heart.

    Now, one day a fairy was passing by and heard him sighing and wishing. So the fairy went to him and asked what the problem was?

    The little rabbit sighed again and told her everything he wished to have. The fairy listened to him. Then she told him to she would grant all his wishes! The rabbit was so delighted to hear that and told her what he wanted. The fairy granted all his wishes.

    Now this little rabbit had long legs and long neck like the giraffe.

    He had big ears and a long trunk like the elephant.

    He had wings like a bird.

    He had big eyes like an owl.

    He was delighted with all the gifts. The fairy told him to call her whenever he needed her and left.

    Now the rabbit having all the gifts wanted to go and show them to his mother. But what’s this? When he tried to move he found it extremely difficult. He felt himself very heavy. The trunk and the ears and the neck were very heavy for his little body! Tried as he would he just couldn’t move. He tried to fly but even that he couldn’t do as he had become so heavy.

    He started crying now. He did not know what to do. Then he remembered that the fairy had told him to call her when he needed her and so he did. The fairy came at once.

    “What’s the problem now, little rabbit?” she asked.

    “I can’t move,” he said, “I feel so heavy.”

    “Well, what do you want me to do?” the fairy asked.

    “Well, maybe if you took away the trunk I will feel lighter and then be able to move,” he suggested.

    And so the fairy took away his trunk. The rabbit tried to move but it was still very difficult. Then, he suggested the ears the fairy did that but still he couldn’t move freely. One by one, he suggested to the fairy to take away all his gifts except the wings. The rabbit said he would keep those. The fairy bid him goodbye and went away telling to call her if he needed her again.

    The little rabbit delighted with his wings went to show them to his mother. He went home and knocked on the door. His mother opened the door.

    “Look, Mother,” he said, “I have wings now just like the birds!”

    His mother looked at him and did not recognize him.

    “Who are you?” she asked him.

    “I am your little rabbit, remember?” he said, scared.

    “I am sorry I don’t know you,” said his mother. “My son does not have wings.”

    The little rabbit tried to argue with his mother but she just wouldn’t let him in.

    The little rabbit started crying and went away again to the spot where he had met the fairy. He sobbed and he sighed and he called the fairy.

    The fairy came once again.

    “What do you want now?” she asked. “Aren’t you satisfied with your wings?”

    “I love my wings but my mother does not recognize me,” he lamented. “Please, take these away too.”

    “Very well,” said the fairy and took away the wings as well.

    The rabbit felt much better now. He no longer felt heavy and overwhelmed. He felt like himself again.

    “I hope you have learnt your lesson now,” said the fairy. “You should never envy anybody. They have what is right for them. You have what is right for you. Besides, you are such an adorable little rabbit. You have such lovely ears and lovely eyes. Why do you want anything more? I’m sure everyone loves you just as you are.”

    “Yes, I have learnt my lesson,” said the little rabbit in a voice filled with relief and then said gratefully, “Thank you so much for teaching me this lesson.”

    The fairy waved him goodbye and went away.

    The little rabbit was never envious of anybody now and was grateful for what he had.

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