Monday 20 November 2017

The Clever Traveler

Hello, everyone.

    The story that I am going to tell you today is of a traveler in olden times when people travelled by foot mostly.
    Read on and find out what happens when this traveler is hungry and thirsty and there is no food or water anywhere around.

The Clever Traveler

    Once there was a traveler. As you know in olden times people travelled by foot mostly because there were no cars then and travelling by an oxcart would be expensive. So if they wanted to travel from one village to another village nearby they would travel by foot.

    Now let us get back to our traveler. He decided to travel to a nearby village by foot. As it was not that far he knew he would reach there by that evening. He took with him some water and some food. He was a poor man so he had taken just a little food and it was very hot. By the time noon time came he had finished his water and his food. He was feeling very hungry and thirsty now. When he looked around there was no river or a spring of water and there were no fruit trees either. Although there were some coconut trees and they were very tall. He couldn’t possibly climb one of those. He became desperate. He did not know what to do. Then he suddenly heard some chattering sounds coming from above. When he looked up he saw some monkeys in those trees. He looked and started wondering how to get those coconuts and as he was doing that he was scratching his head. As soon as the monkeys saw him do that they started scratching their heads. When he put his hands down they did that too. When he saw that he had an idea.

    He took up a stone and threw it at the monkeys. One of the monkeys at once plucked a coconut out of the tree and threw it at the traveler. Encouraged by that the traveler threw some more stones and the monkeys threw some more coconuts. The traveler was delighted. He opened the coconuts one after the other. He drank as much water as he could and ate the flesh to his heart’s content and went on his way. His hunger and his thirst both satisfied.

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