Thursday 9 November 2017

Jealous Little Anna

Hello, everyone.

    The story I am going to tell you today is my own creation. It is the story of a very jealous little girl. She always tries to pull everyone back. Read on and find out if she is successful in pulling back another little girl from going for her dream.

Jealous Little Anna

    Anna was a ten year old little girl. She was a good girl except when someone tried to do something new. She would always scare the other children that if they tried to do something new. She would scare them by telling them stories. What if they did not succeed wouldn’t everyone laugh at them? What if it was wrong?
    For example, one day Peter wanted to learn to ride a bicycle. She immediately scared him by saying, “You will fall down and hurt yourself. If I were you I wouldn’t do it.”

    Peter got scared but luckily his older brother taught him to ride a bicycle. Anna got very jealous that Peter had learnt to ride a bike and she did not know how to.
     Another time Sally wanted to show her painting to her teacher. Anna told her at once that the teacher would laugh at it. Again, luckily the teacher happened to pass by her desk and saw her painting. It was a beautiful painting of a riverside. She had really made an effort and it had come out very nice indeed.

    “Wow! Sally,” said the teacher in awe, “what a beautiful painting? Have you done it?”
    “Yes, Teacher,” replied Sally, glowing with pleasure.
    “I think we should put it on the board for everyone to see,” said her teacher. “Just write your name on it and give it to me.”
    Sally did just that and the teacher put it up on the board. Everyone admired the painting. Anna got so jealous and angry. She did not talk to Sally for days.

    One day, the teacher announced that there was going to be a story writing competition. Anyone interested should go to the headmistress’ office and get the form. They must submit their stories together with the forms by the end of the next week.
    Katie got excited. She loved writing and a story was already forming in her mind. Now she made one mistake. Anna sat right next to her in class. She told her excitedly that she was going to take part in the competition.

    “Oh, no!” said Anna at once, “What if you don’t win? Won’t everyone make fun of you? I think you shouldn’t do it.”

    Katie’s hopes came crashing down. She felt like crying. She became doubtful. She did not know what to do?

     About two days passed. The teacher was surprised that Katie had not taken the form for the story writing competition. So she called her to her desk and asked her.

    “I am not going to submit a story, teacher,” she said in a small voice.

    “Why ever not?” asked her teacher even more surprised.

    “Suppose I don’t win,” she voiced her doubts. “Won’t everyone laugh at me?”

    “Of course not,” said teacher in amazement, “why would anyone want to laugh at you. You will be trying. If you win you win if you don’t its ok. Think about it. If you win won’t that make you happy and your parents happy, too? They will be so proud of you. Whatever made you think that? I think you should take a form. You have already wasted two days. You will have to hurry up.”

    “Yes, teacher,” said Katie, excitedly.

    “By the way, who put such ideas in your head?” her teacher asked.

    Katie hesitated. The teacher pressed on and she told her Anna had done it.

    As soon as it was break time she went and got her form.           

    Katie’s teacher was a very wise lady. So she called Anna after school.
    “Anna I understand that you tried to discourage Katie from entering the competition,” she asked her gently. “Why did you do that?”

    Anna got frightened and tried to deny that she had done that. But after a lot of coaxing she agreed that she had done that.

    “Why do you do that, Anna?” her teacher asked her.

    Anna did not say anything. Then, the teacher asked her what she was interested in? Anna did not want to say what it was. She was scared that as soon as she would reveal her interest her teacher would laugh at her and so she stayed silent.

    The teacher asked her again and again until she said she was interested in origami. Origami is the name given to the art of making different kinds of things with paper. The teacher was very much surprised to hear that. She had never seen Anna playing with paper before and she asked her about it. Anna said she was scared everyone would laugh at her if she showed it.

    The teacher understood now why Anna was so jealous. She was scared to show what she could do and if anybody tried to do it she discouraged them lest they succeeded where she was too scared to show her own talent.

    “Anna, have you done many origamis?” she asked her.

   Anna simply nodded her head.

    “Anna, what I want you to do is to bring me five of your origami tomorrow. I want to see it, alright?” her teacher told her.

    Anna looked at her doubtfully and then nodded her head.

    The next day, Anna brought five of her best origami things in a shoe box. The children were surprised to see Anna bring a shoebox to school. When it was break time her teacher called her and asked her if she had brought her things. Anna nodded and slowly went and brought it to her. The teacher opened the box and was amazed at what she saw! There were five beautiful things made of paper. She had made a swan, a boat and three other things. She took them out of the box and lay them on the table.

    “Why, Anna, they are absolutely beautiful!” she exclaimed. “Why are you so doubtful of your abilities? You should be proud of it.”

    Anna went red with pleasure. She could see now that she had been acting very foolishly and trying to make other people act foolishly as well. She felt ashamed of herself. She decided there and then that from now onwards she would encourage anyone who wanted to do something instead of discouraging them.

    When the children came in the classroom after break a great surprise awaited them! They saw things made out of paper standing on the small shelf. Everyone admired them and Anna felt so proud of herself.

    From that day onwards, she never discouraged anyone. As a matter of fact she encouraged anyone who wanted to do something they loved.

    If you have liked my story, please, write a comment and let me know. Thank you for your support.

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