Thursday 26 October 2017

The Ugly Cow

Hello, everyone.
    First of all I want to apologize to you all for not bringing you any stories for so long. It was a writer’s block. I just could not think up any stories.
    Anyways, suddenly I remembered this story I had read when I was a little girl. I don’t know if it is a Greek story or if it is a folktale. I loved this story so I decided to share it with you all.
    I have one request though if you like this story then please, write a comment below and let me know. I would love to know.

The Ugly Cow

    Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He had many cows on his farm. They were all well fed fat and gave a lot of milk. Now, there was one cow who was very thin and she was lame. One of her legs was crooked and she was rather weak. She was not able to give lots of milk like the other cows but she was friendly and happy all the time. She was also a very kind hearted cow. Everybody loved her. Her name was Daisy.
    One day, the farmer came and milked the cows and when he milked Daisy she was not able to give as much milk as the other cows. The farmer thought of selling her at a very cheap price. He thought of her as a very useless cow.
    As he was milking Daisy he started talking to one of his farmhands nearby, “We ought to get rid of this cow,” he said. “She is useless. She doesn’t even give much milk. I think I am going to get rid of her tomorrow.”
    His worker agreed with him. So the farmer decided to do just that the very next day.
    Now Daisy and all the other cows heard that and they were all sad. How can the farmer be so cruel?
    As soon as the farmer was gone the cows started to talk.
    “Oh dear,” said one cow, “What are we going to do?”
    “This is not fair,” said the other.
    “You are so kind, Daisy,” said yet another one tearfully, “I remember when you had saved my calf from that dog. I will never forget you.”
    “Yes, we will miss you so much, Daisy,” said the first one sadly.
   That night everyone went to sleep wishing they could do something for Daisy.
    That night, the fairy folk were having a party for the queen. All was going well when one of the elves accidentally spilled all the milk. They were going to use this milk to make caramel pudding which the queen loved so much. The fairy folk were horrified!
    What should they do and the queen would be there in just about two hours? Everybody started to panic. Then someone had an idea to go and ask the cows for some milk in the nearby farm. Now this farm happened to be the one where Daisy was.
    And so, some of them went to that farm. They came and requested the cows to give them some milk but they all refused because they did not want to end up like Daisy. If they gave milk then they wouldn’t be able to give more milk in the morning. The fairies begged but no-one agreed. Now Daisy was watching all this.
    “You can have my milk,” she said. “After all the farmer is going to get rid of me tomorrow so why shouldn’t I help you. It will make no difference to the farmer.”
    The fairies were so happy and relieved to hear this. They milked Daisy and went away happily. They thanked her again and again.
    The fairies made the caramel pudding and when the tasted it she was delighted. It was so delicious. She asked the fairies where they had gotten the milk and they told her where they got it. When the fairy heard their story she requested them to take her to Daisy. She was very much touched by the story.
    When the queen saw Daisy she felt very sorry for her. She went to Daisy and said some magic words. And lo and behold! Daisy changed completely. One moment there was Daisy, lame and weak and the next she was a beautiful healthy cow!
    Everybody was astounded by the change and also delighted. Daisy could not believe her luck. She thanked the queen over and over again.
    The next day, when the farmer came to take Daisy away, what did he see? A beautiful cow was standing there instead of a weak lame one. Of course there was no need to get rid of her now.
    But the farmer never figured out how Daisy changed overnight.

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