Monday 1 August 2016

Bahati and Sarah

Hello, everyone.
     Today I am going to tell you a story of two little girls in Tanzania. I have explained to you where Tanzania is but for those who have not read that story I will explain again.
    Tanzania is a country situated in East Africa in the continent of Africa. It is near the Indian Ocean. It is a beautiful country with lots of parks containing wild animals like lions, elephants, impalas and many more.
    The people of Tanzania are very polite.
    The story that I am going to tell you is situated in one of the many villages where poverty is seen a lot.
    This story is my own creation.
   Read on and enjoy it.

Bahati and Sarah

    Bahati was a little girl. She was six years old but was not going to school. The education system is free in Tanzania. But her parents could not afford to buy uniforms, shoes and books needed in order to send her. She loved to read and write and her parent’s heart ached to see this but no matter how they tried they just could not afford to send her.
    There was another little girl of the same age. She went to school because her parents could afford to buy everything she needed. Her name was Sarah.
    Now Bahati and Sarah were best friends. Sarah would go to school and then in the evening she would show her friend the day’s lesson. Bahati would get very excited. Sarah would then teach her the way her teacher taught her. That was the best time of the day for Bahati. They had a special place where they went every day. There was a very nice tree stump not very far from their houses and Sarah would keep her books on it and then teach her. Bahati did not have any exercise book so she wrote on the sand with a stick. She was a fast learner and picked up at once whatever Sarah taught her. She learned her alphabet and could spell simple words. She learnt to do simple sums as well as Sarah.
    Now in this village lived a very wealthy farmer. Every day he used to pass by the place where these two friends would be studying. One day he got curious.
    “What are those two girls doing?” he asked his driver.
    “They are studying, Sir,” he replied. “It is a very curious story. Sarah goes to school and then she teaches her friend Bahati whatever her teacher teaches her.”
    “Why doesn’t Bahati go to school?” he asked. “The education is free so what is stopping her?”
    “Well, Sir,” the driver replied. “Her parents can’t afford the uniforms and the books. It is very sad. Bahati loves to read and write. Already she knows as much as Sarah.”
    “Hmm, I see,” said Mr. Amani, thoughtfully. “Please, stop the car here.”
   The driver stopped the car and he walked over where the two friends were busy studying. They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they did not hear him coming.
    “Hello, there,” he said.
    The two friends looked up startled.
    “Don’t be afraid,” he said in a kindly voice. “I just came here to see what you were doing.”
    “We are studying,” said Sarah. “I am teaching my friend what I learnt at school today.”
    “That is very nice of you,” said the farmer, “but doesn’t she go to school?”
    Both the friends did not know what to answer so they stayed silent.
   “Never mind,” he said and asked,  “What are your names, anyway?”
    “I am Sarah and she is Bahati,” Sarah replied.
    “Can you take me to your house, Bahati?” he asked.
    Bahati looked at him scared. So far she had not said a word.
    “Do not be afraid,” Mr. Amani said. “Please take me to your house.”
    “Yes, Sir,” she said, speaking for the first time.
    With beating hearts and a lot of questions in their minds the friends led him to Bahati’s house. It was a very small house with just two rooms. Luckily, both her parents were there. Her father had just returned from work. He worked on a farm. When her father saw Mr. Amani he immediately recognized him and was very much surprised to see him come to his house.
    “Good evening, Sir,” he greeted his boss, for you see he worked on his farm. “Please, do come in and have a seat.”
    After the greetings and introductions to Bahati and her mother were over they sat all sat down on the chairs.
    “Well, well, well,” said Mr. Amani, laughing, “so you live here, eh?”
    “Yes, Sir,” he replied, wondering what had brought his boss to his house.
    “I know you are wondering why I have come to see you,” he said. “Well, it’s like this. I pass by every day and see these two girls busy studying and so I asked my driver who they were. Then I asked your little girl to bring me here and she very kindly did with her friend. Now, I know your situation and I would like to make a proposal, that is if you will agree.”
    “A proposal, Sir?” asked Bahati’s father, Mr. Shabani.
    “I would like Bahati to go to school,” said his boss. “I will pay all the expenses of uniforms and whatever she needs for her school. I would like her to study.”
    At first, the whole family was speechless including Sarah. Did they hear right? Mr. Amani was going to pay for Bahati?
    “Well?” asked Mr. Amani, when he saw that everyone was silent.
    The two friends looked at one another excitedly! At last Bahati was going to school!
    “Well, Sir,” said Bahati’s father almost in tears, “that is a very generous offer. I would indeed be very grateful if she went to school. As you can see she loves to read and write.”
    “So that is settled,” Mr. Amani said. “You come to my office tomorrow and take the money needed.”
    Mr. Shabani could not thank him enough.
    “There is one other thing,” said his boss, turning to Sarah. “Can you please take me to your house now?”
    “Yes, Sir,” she said and led him to her house.
    There Mr. Amani made the same proposal to Sarah’s father. He did this because he was very much impressed by Sarah’s kindness.
    And so two days later when Bahati had gotten her uniform and her books she went to school with her friend. She was feeling very proud to be going to school at last.
    Her dream had come true!