Sunday 14 August 2016

The Little Helpers

Hello, everyone.
    Today’s story is my own creation. It is a story of a little girl and a little boy. It is a story of kindness and goodwill.
    The children are distressed when their mother is not feeling well. How they go about helping her, read on find out.

The Little Helpers

    Linda was a ten year old little girl. She had a little brother called Sammy who was eight years old. Although they were naughty sometimes like all little boys and girls they were very good children the rest of the time. They loved their mother and father very much.
    One day, their mother was not feeling well. After a few days she got worse and the doctor gave her some medicine and told her to take plenty of rest. She came home and started to worry as to how she would manage all the cleaning and cooking. The children heard her fret and they were very worried about their mother. Linda motioned her brother to follow her in the garden. They went and sat down in their favourite spot, the swing.
    “We must do something for Mum,” said Sammy.
    “I have an idea,” said Linda her eyes shining. “Why don’t we wake up early in the morning and wash up all the dishes she was unable to do last night? Also, we could make breakfast before Mum or Dad wake up and give them a surprise.”
    “Wake up early in the morning?” asked Sammy, doubtfully who loved to sleep.
    “Yes, why not?” Linda said, defiantly. “If Mum can wake up early in the morning so why can’t we? Besides, we have holidays right now so it will be very easy for us to help. We could help her all day long.”
    “Alright, I will wake up early,” he said. “At what time shall we wake up?”
    “Let’s see, Mum wakes up at 6 o’clock in the morning,” she said. “We will have to wake up earlier. We could wake up at 4.30. We will work quietly and when we have finished our jobs we will go to sleep as if nothing has happened. Mum won’t wake us up until later as it is our holidays.”
    “Alright,” said Sammy, somewhat excitedly, “then Mum will be so happy to see all her work done.”
    “Yes,” said Linda, “that’s the whole point to make Mum happy. I shall keep an alarm for 4.30. And please get up as soon as I wake you.”
    With that they went inside.
    The next day, Linda woke up as soon as her alarm went off. Then she went woke up Sammy and together they washed the dishes and made breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.
    Just as they were returning to their rooms and they heard their mother’s door opening! They darted quickly to their rooms and just barely closed their doors when their mother came out of her room.
    She was confused to smell fried eggs and other breakfast smells.
    She looked about but nobody was there. She went into the kitchen and got the surprise of her life! The breakfast was ready and the kitchen was spotless! Everything was in its place. Even the table was laid out for breakfast. At first, she was puzzled as to who could have done it. Then, she smiled.
    She crept softly into the room of Linda and she found her fast asleep or at least she was pretending to be fast asleep. Then she went to Sammy’s room. Did she see him open his eyes slightly? She smiled and closed the door.
    When the children’s father woke up, their mother told him about the surprise she had that morning. Their father chuckled.
    “They are good children,” he said.
    “Yes, they are,” said their mother, smiling.
    This went on until the children’s mother was well again. They helped her during the day as well. Now, when she was well, the children got a surprise!
    Their mother had made a special thanks cake for them and they each had a bicycle that they had been longing to have for a very long time!
    The children hugged their mother and thanked her.
    “Thank you, children,” she said. “If it hadn’t been for you two I wouldn’t have gotten well so quickly.”
    And their father agreed, wholeheartedly.
    That was so sweet, wasn’t it?