Thursday 25 August 2016

The Three Neighbours

Hello, everyone.
    The story that I am going to tell you is my own creation. It is a story of three ladies. Two of the ladies are close friends and then the third one comes to live in the neighbourhood.
    Read on and find out what happens when the third lady comes to live next door. Do they remain friends or do they part ways?

The Three Neighbours

    Once there were two neighbours who lived next door to each other.
    One was called Miss Prim as you can see by her name she was a clean and tidy kind of a person. She kept her house nice, clean and tidy. You wouldn’t find a speck of dust anywhere.
    The other one was called Miss Mary. Now she was quite the opposite. Her house was not very clean and tidy like Miss Prims. It’s not like she did not try but she just couldn’t do it. She got tired very quickly and she just did not feel well. She would decide that the next day she would clean her house but when she would wake up in the morning she would feel worse. She was in pain all the time. Poor Miss Mary was beside herself with despair. She did not know what to do.
    Whereas Miss Prim was tall and thin, Miss Mary was round and chubby.
    Miss Prim always told Miss Mary that she was a very lazy woman. She was just making excuses not to work when she complained of her aches and pains. Miss Prim told her that it was it all in her mind.
    Miss Mary began to believe Miss Prim that maybe it was in her mind after all.
    Now as it happened that there was a house next to Miss Mary’s that was empty. One day a new neighbour came to live there. She was a lady called Miss Jane. She was not very tall and she was thin but not as thin as Miss Prim.
    As soon as Miss Prim saw a neighbour had come to live there she went to visit her. She baked a small cake to take it with her. Then she went.
    She knocked on the door and Miss Jane opened it. Miss Prim introduced herself and gave her the cake. Miss Jane invited her inside.
    Miss Jane had just moved in so she was not settled down yet. There were boxes and other things everywhere. Miss Prim looked at all this decided to ask her new neighbour if she could help.
    “Oh, no!” said Miss Jane. “It was very kind of you to offer but i will manage. Thanks for your offer anyway.”
    Miss Prim talked for a while longer and then left.
    Now the next day Miss Mary baked some buns and took it to Miss Jane. She introduced herself and gave her the buns. She talked with for a while and then left. Miss Jane took a liking to this chubby lady at once. As Miss Mary was going she invited her to come and visit her again. Miss Mary invited her to her house as well.
    After a few days Miss Prim went to see Miss Jane again to see how she was progressing with her settling down. She was pleasantly surprised to see that Miss Jane had almost unpacked and put away most of her things.
    “I must say I am impressed by the way you have almost finished all your work,” said Miss Prim. “There are people that don’t even bother about their houses. They just let dust pile up everywhere. They are so careless. Take Miss Mary as an example. Her house is always untidy. She never bothers about anything. She is so lazy.”
    Miss Jane did not like Miss Prim criticizing Miss Mary like that. She liked Miss Mary and she was sure there was an explanation for all this. Miss Jane diverted the conversation to other things. She began to dislike Miss Prim.
    One day, when Miss Jane had finished all her work and she was free she decided to pay Miss Mary a visit. When she went in she saw that Miss Prim was right in some ways that there was dust in some places. She also saw that Miss Mary seemed unwell.
    Miss Mary was delighted to see her and invited her in. When she went in she saw that Miss Prim was right in some ways that there was dust in some places. She also saw that Miss Mary seemed unwell. They talked for a while and then Miss Jane asked Miss Mary to help her in any way around the house.
    “Oh no,” said Miss Mary, feeling somewhat ashamed. “I will get down to it. I am not feeling well just now. I will do it as soon as I can.”
    “Are you always feeling this way?” asked Miss Jane in concern.
    “Yes, I do,” Miss Mary said. “Miss Prim says it’s all in my mind. She says if I will take out the thought that I am not well I will feel alright. I think I am just lazy.”
    “I don’t think you are lazy,” said Miss Jane. “I think you should go and see a doctor.”
    “I will be fine,” said Miss Mary. “Really I will.”
    “No you won’t,” said Miss Jane. “I know a very good doctor. I will make an appointment for you and then you go. I will take you to him, don’t worry.”
    After much persuasion Miss Mary agreed.
    Miss Jane left and got the doctor’s appointment for the next day at nine o’clock in the morning.
    Miss Jane took Miss Mary to the doctor. The doctor examined her and took a blood sample and then he told her to come and see him the next day.
    Again Miss Jane went with Miss Mary to the doctor. The blood results had come and the doctor said Miss Mary had a problem. Then he explained to her why she felt the way she felt. He gave her medicine to take every day for the rest of her life. She would start feeling better gradually.
    Miss Mary was shocked that she had such a disease that she was to take the medicine every day without fail. She almost cried to know that she was not lazy but she had a condition that is why she was unable to work normally.
    As the days went by she started to feel more and more healthy. She also started to lose weight. She was able to work a little more every day. Soon she had cleaned her whole house and now she started on her garden which was in need of a lot of work.
    One day as Miss Mary was working in the garden, Miss Prim came out of her house. Seeing Miss Mary work she went to her.
    “I see you have decided to quit your laziness and do some work,” she scoffed.
    Miss Mary looked at her for a minute.
    “I am not lazy,” she said, “I never was. I have a condition that is why I was feeling all sickly and was not able to work.”
    After saying that she ignored Miss Prim and went on with her work.
    Miss Prim did not like that at all. She went away in a huff with her nose in the air.
    The next day, Miss Mary baked a big cake and iced it beautifully. She made the background white and then put pink roses with green leaves and wrote ‘Thank you’ on it in blue. Then she took it to Miss Jane.
    Miss Jane was delighted to see the cake. She cut it there and then and shared it with Miss Mary.
    From that day onwards Miss Mary and Miss Jane were the best of friends.
    Miss Prim got really jealous when she saw the two friends together and they didn’t even invite her to go out with them. As a matter of fact Miss Mary greeted her when she happened to see but never went to see her as she used to do before. She had found a real friend who did not scoff or make fun of her if she was not feeling well.

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