Monday 22 August 2016

Little Miss Attitude

Hello, everyone.
   As I had promised, I am bringing you the story of a little girl with a lot of attitude. By the way, this story is my own creation.
    It is the story of little girl named Rosemary. The way she manipulates others to get her own way.
    Read on find out what she did was the last straw.

Little Miss Attitude

    One day, the children of fourth grade were seated in their class when the head teacher came in with a girl.
    She was about nine years old. She had brown hair and she was very beautiful. She had a very charming smile. The head teacher introduced her as Rosemary.
    “Children, this is Rosemary,” said the head teacher. “She is joining you from today. Please make her welcome.”
    Everybody at once decided to be her friend. Rosemary was told to sit beside a girl named Amanda in the second row. Amanda was a good kind little girl. Everybody liked her and they called her Amy. Amy was pleased to have Rosemary beside her.
    At first Rosemary was friendly with everyone but as the days went by she just talked to a few of the children. Nobody could understand her behaviour. She just ignored most of the children even if they tried to talk to her.
   She was a bright student but not as bright as Amy. Whenever there was homework and there was something she did not understand she would ask Amy. She just talked to Amy when she needed her help.
    There was another student. Her name was Hannah. Hannah came from a rich family but she never showed off or tried to take advantage of anyone. She was a very nice kind jolly girl always ready for a laugh. Everybody liked her.
    Rosemary always tried to be with her. She always tried to make out that she had travelled to many places and she brought expensive things to school. Her uniform was made of a very high quality material, even her shoes were made of pure leather. She had a beautiful backpack which she never let anyone touch. Only Hannah was allowed to do that.
    She always tried to be with Hannah and tell her stories of her travels and such. Hannah was not used to being treated like that and she did not like it one bit. So now she started to avoid her.
    The end of term exams were approaching and everybody was very busy studying. Rosemary was always seen with Amy studying away or so it seemed. In reality Rosemary was hardly letting poor Amy study. She was asking her to listen to her when she recited the notes from her history and geography books. Amy was too timid to tell her to let her study.
    A few days before the exams she went to Amy.
   “Amy, can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked.
    “Sure,” said Amy, reluctantly dreading what she was going to ask.
    “I have a favour to ask you,” she said in a very doleful voice.
    “What is it?” asked Amy concerned now.
    “Well,” Rosemary started when she saw that Amy was concerned. “My father is a very strict man. He always expects me to be the top of my class. If I come second he will be very angry with me and won’t talk to me for many days. He will make me and my mum cry.”
    Hannah was horrified to hear that.
    “What can I do for you, Rosemary?” she asked kindly.
    “Well, it’s hard for me to ask you,” Rosemary said in a small voice, “but can you let me be first? I will be so happy.”
    “Are you asking me to flunk my exam on purpose?” Amy asked, unable to believe what she was hearing.
    “Well, yes in a way,” Rosemary said, “not really flunk but if you just come out second it will be ok.”
    Amy did not know what to say.
    “I will see what I can do,” she said and with that she went.
    Amy’s mind was in a whirl. What was she going to do? What if she came failed completely and then what will her parents say? What will her teachers say? She was a very hardworking girl. Her parents worked very hard to send her to school and provide for her whatever she needed. They were not rich like Rosemary’s parents. She was hoping to work hard and succeed in life so that her parents would have a comfortable life.
    She couldn’t sleep at night worrying as to what to do. Her work suffered in school. She no longer smiled as she did and she always seemed to be in a deep thought.
    Hannah noticed that Amy was no longer the cheerful girl that she used to be and she got worried. So one day she went to her at break and sat down beside her after making sure that Rosemary was nowhere around.
    “Amy, what is wrong?” she asked. “Why do you look worried? What is bothering you?”
    “Oh, it’s nothing really,” she said, turning her head away so that Hannah would not see her tears.
    “Look at me, Amy,” said Hannah. “Please tell me. You have been acting very strange. You don’t smile and laugh as you used to do. Are you not feeling well?”
    “It’s not like that,” said Amy.
    “Then what is it?” asked Hannah. “I am worried about you.”
    After much coaxing it all came out about Rosemary and how her father is strict and all.
    Hannah was horrified to hear all that. Not about Rosemary’s father but about Rosemary’s request. It was such a mean request. Hannah felt angry. She knew that Amy was a very timid girl and Rosemary was taking advantage of her.
   “Amy, you just work hard and do what you have to do,” she said. “Don’t worry about Rosemary. You must know that she is just taking advantage of you.”
    “Oh, but she is not,” said timid Amy, “she told me her father would make her and her mother cry.”
    “It does not look to me like her father is at all like that,” said Hannah. “I have seen him and talked to him. She introduced him to me. Heaven knows why. He did not seem to be one bit strict to me. As a matter of fact both her parents seem to adore her. You just work hard and do your best. Leave the rest to me.”
    “But she is my best friend and I cannot let her down,” Amy said.
    “Look Amy, if she was your real friend she wouldn’t have told you to do such a mean thing,” said Hannah somewhat angrily. “Please don’t ruin yourself. If you will let her come out first this time, she will always tell you to do it. You will ruin your life.”
    Amy felt somewhat relieved that someone knew her secret. She knew that what Hannah said made a lot of sense.
    And so when the exams came around Amy worked really hard. Rosemary did not bother her so much thinking that Amy would let her come out first.
    After a few days the results came out. Amy was top of the class. She had come out first as usual. Rosemary was angry with her friend. She thought she had let her down. Besides she did not even come out second as she had thought. She had come out fifth.
    Rosemary stopped talking to Amy and Amy felt bad that her friend should do this to her after all she had done for her. Seeing Amy looking sad Hannah went to her. She put her arm around her.
    “Good work, kiddo,” she said, goodheartedly. “Don’t look so sad. Rosemary is not a good friend. If she was she would have to congratulate you like the rest of us. It’s good riddance I can assure you. Now cheer up.”
    Amy smiled at her. Now here was a friend who would give you good advice and would not want anything in return. She was also relieved that she had not listened to Rosemary because she was nowhere near the top. She would just have lost her place to someone else. She was happy.
    The school closed and reopened after a month of holidays.
    Hannah went looking for Amy as soon as she arrived to school and went straight to her when she saw her.
    “Hello, Amy,” she said smiling. “You look great.”
    “Hello, Hannah,” she said, giggling. “You look great too.”
    “I say, Amy,” said Hannah, “I have news for you.”
    “What news?” asked Amy curiously.
    “Well, our Rosemary,” she said with a wry face, “is not as rich as she makes herself out to be. It turns out her father works in my father’s factory as a manager. Small world, huh?  And, guess what? She twirls them round her little finger.She is a spoilt brat and wants everyone to do as she pleases. She
has a real attitude even at home. Her father is a very timid man and listens to her every whim. Good thing you did not listen to her.”

    “Wow!” exclaimed Amy. “That is news. Yes, thank goodness I did not listen to her otherwise I would have suffered because of her mean attitude.”
    From that day onwards Amy stayed away from her so called friend Rosemary. She found out that a real friend never asks you for anything that would hurt you. If she had listened to her she would have ruined her life in the long run.