Thursday 22 September 2016

The Two Little Detectives

Hello, everyone.
    The story that I am going to tell you is my own creation. It is rather a funny story of two children who help their mother when she loses a gold ring.
    Did these two little detectives find the ring or not? Read and find out for yourselves.

The Two Little Detectives

    Jack and Susan were playing in their room with their detective sets. It been given to them by their father on their birthday for you see they were twins. As they were playing and wishing they had a real case to solve they heard their mother call from upstairs.
    “Jack, Susan,” she called, “could you please come upstairs for a minute?”
    “Yes, Mother,” they answered at once and scrambled upstairs.
    “What is it, Mother?” asked Jack, seeing their mother all hot and bothered and looking here and there for something.
    “I can’t find my gold ring,” she said, in a very puzzled voice. “I had kept it here on the sewing machine cabinet and now it’s gone.”
    She had been sewing and had removed the ring and kept it on the machine cabinet because it bothered her when she hemmed her skirt that she had just stitched. She had just gone out for a minute to check something in the kitchen downstairs and when she came back it was gone.
    “Please, help me look for it,” she said.
    The children were excited. Here was a chance to use their detective set. They at once ran downstairs and brought it up. They each took their mother’s measuring scoops and put them in their mouths to look like pipes. Next they each adorned their caps to look like real detectives. Their mother looked at them, amused and hid a smile.
    “What shall we do first, Detective Jack?” asked Susan.
    “We look for clues, Detective Susan,” said Jack in a very important voice.
    They started looking here and there with their magnifying glasses.
    “Look there is a something on the window seal,” said Susan and they both looked closely and found a small piece of straw. They took this and put it in a small plastic bag that had come with the set. Next they found and unusual pattern on the window seal in the little dust. It was like three crooked lines joining at one end and one line going off the three lines.
    “It looks like a bird’s feet,” said Jack.
    “And look there is the same pattern on the machine cabinet as well,” observed Susan.
    As they were looking they suddenly saw a crow in the branch of a tree that was growing very close to the window. As they looked closely they saw a nest on a branch and some shiny thing was there.
    “Let’s go downstairs and see,” said Jack.
    And they went downstairs and outside under their mother’s sewing room window.
    “Detective Susan, I am going to climb up that tree and see what it is,” said Jack.
     “Alright, but be careful,” said Susan. “See that you don’t fall down.”
    “Oh, I will be careful alright,” Jack replied.
    And so he climbed the tree and reached the branch where the nest was. He almost fell off the branch in delight when he saw what it was! It was their mother’s ring! The crow had stolen it because it was shiny.
    Jack took the ring and came down the tree.
    All this time their mother was unaware what the children were doing. She was busy in the kitchen seeing that her food did not get burnt.
    “Mum, Mum,” shouted Jack and Susan, together. “Look! What we found!”
    Their mother came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a her apron.
    “What is it?” she asked.
    Then the children gave her the ring.
    “Where did you find it?” she asked, amazed.
    “It was in the nest of a crow,” said Jack.
    “Do you mean to tell me you climbed that tree and got it from the nest?” their mother asked.
    “Well, yes I did,” said Jack going red in the face, knowing he was not supposed to do that. “But if I hadn’t climbed that tree we would never have found it.”
    “You did a naughty thing,” she said, “but I will forgive you this time. Please, don’t do it again.”
    Their mother smiled at them in amusement. She hugged them and declared she would never leave anything shiny on her cabinet.

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