Sunday 18 September 2016

Shy Little Sandra

Hello, everyone.
   This is my own story. It is the story of a little girl who was very shy and scared of people. Her life turns around when a new teacher comes to teach in her school.
    Read on and find out what happened.

Shy Little Sandra

    Sandra was an eight year old girl. She loved school and she loved all the lessons, but there was a big problem. She was a very shy and scared little girl. She just could not understand as how other children mingled with each other so freely and talked and laughed. They even talked to the teachers like they were their friends. She couldn’t even greet a teacher when she saw one in the corridor let alone talk to one. She felt like the ground would give way and she would get swallowed up! She felt so scared. The teachers thought she was shy and would get over it when she grew up and let it go at that.
    One day the headmistress came to the class and told them that they were going to have a new class-teacher as their old one was being transferred to another school. The new teacher’s name was Miss Elaine Brown.
    The next day, Miss Elaine came and introduced herself. The class settled down to work. As the days went by Miss Elaine noticed Sandra’s strange behaviour. She asked other teachers about it and she could get was that she was a very shy little girl and would not talk to anyone. Miss Elaine was not at all satisfied with this answer. She decided to get to the bottom of this matter.
    The next day, she called Sandra to the staffroom when no-one was there and she knew that Sandra had a free period. Sandra was scared to death as to why her teacher wanted to see her. Normally teachers only called the children to the staffroom when they had misbehaved or done something wrong. As she was walking to the staffroom all kinds of thoughts were going on in her head. She was on the edge of tears when she reached there. She knocked nervously and waited.
    “Come in,” said Miss Elaine and Sandra entered the room.
    Miss Elaine smiled kindly at her. Sandra smiled back somewhat relieved that her teacher did not look angry or anything of the sort. She went and stood near her teacher.
    “Do you know why I have called you here?” her teacher asked.
    Sandra shook her head.
    “I have called you here to know if something is wrong or what,” said Miss Elaine. “I have been watching you ever since I got here. Why are you so shy? Or is it that you are scared of something?”
    Sandra just looked down and did not say anything.
    “Sandra, look at me,” said the teacher. “I am worried about you that’s why I called you here. Can you please tell me why you are behaving like this?”
    “I don’t know, Miss,” said Sandra in a small voice.
    Then, her teacher asked if she ever went out to buy anything for her mother or if she went to play at her friend’s house?
    Sandra explained that her mother went to buy everything even if was to a nearby shop. She was not allowed to go to her friends’ house to play and so even her friends did not come to play with her. The only friends she had were in school.
    Miss Elaine was surprised to hear all this. She looked at Sandra who was standing there looking like a scared rabbit. She made up her mind and wrote a letter which she put it in an envelope and gave it to Sandra to give it to her mother. She had called Sandra’s mother to come and see her the next day.
    Sandra’s mother was very much puzzled as to why would Sandra’s class teacher would want to see her.
    Sandra’s mother, Mrs. Jones went to see the teacher the next day.
    After the introductions were over Miss Elaine asked Mrs. Jones a lot of questions and then when she learned that what Sandra had told her was true she explained to her that it would be a good idea for her to let her daughter mingle with other children and let her go out to buy things in the neighbourhood so that she would know how to behave with people and overcome her shyness. Mrs. Jones agreed to do as Miss Elaine said.
    Suddenly, Sandra found herself going to buy things and told to make friends with the neighbour’s children.
    Miss Elaine called the monitor of the class and told her to tell other children to be more friendly to Sandra.   
Suddenly, Sandra found herself going to buy things and told to make friends with the neighbour’s children.
    In the class as well everyone was trying to be friends with her.
    Sandra started to change as well. Soon she was no longer scared or shy of people.
    One day, as she was walking down the corridor she met Miss Elaine. Sandra greeted her with a smile. Miss Elaine stopped her to talk to her.
    “Why, Sandra, you have changed completely,” she said, pleased.
    Sandra just smiled at her and did not say anything.
    “If there is anything,” went on Miss Elaine, “you can always come and talk to me, alright?”
    “Yes, Miss,” replied Sandra and added shyly, “thank you so much for all that you have done for me.”
    And now Sandra is different person. She has many friends and is always helpful to everyone around her thanks to her teacher.

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