Friday 16 September 2016

The Bully and the Bracelet

Hello, everyone.
    The story that I am going to tell you is my own creation. It is the story of a bully who learned the hard way to stop bullying.
    Read on and find out how it happened.

The Bully and the Bracelet

    Roddy was a ten year old boy. He was big for his age and he had a very mean face. He was as mean as his face showed. All the boys and girls were scared of him. He, not only bullied children in school he also bullied other boys and girls who were smaller than him.
    One day as he was walking down the street he met a little boy. He was wearing a beautiful silver bracelet. Now Roddy saw him and he at once stopped him after making sure that no grown-up was around.
    “Give me that bracelet,” he said in his meanest voice and making his meanest face.
    “Please, don’t take this bracelet,” said the boy with a scared look on his face. “It is a present from my father. He worked so hard for it.”
    “I don’t care,” said the bully. “You just give me the bracelet.”
    Roddy tried to snatch the bracelet away from the little boy but the little boy tried very hard to save it. Roddy caught him by the collar and told him to give him the bracelet or he would hit him very hard in the face. Scared the little boy gave him the bracelet, almost ready to cry. Roddy took the bracelet triumphantly and wore it on his wrist although it was a little tight as it was meant for the little boy.
    Roddy shoved the little boy out of the way and went away. Now this little boy did not cry or look sad, he looked at Roddy in a very strange way as the bully went walked away. There was a smile on the little boy’s face.
    The next day, Roddy went to school as usual. As he was walking down the corridor he met a little girl who had very nice pencil in her hand. At once Roddy went to her and demanded that she give her the pencil. The little girl got scared and tried to run away but the bully caught up with her and snatched the pencil away. The little girl went away crying.
    Now as Roddy snatched the pencil from the little girl a very strange thing happened. He felt the bracelet that he had taken from the little boy tighten on his wrist. At first he felt that maybe it was because it was a bit too small for him. He tried to loosen it a bit but it didn’t loosen up. So he went away.
    Now, later in the day as he was walking in the playground during break time he saw a little boy sitting under a tree eating his sandwich.
    Roddy was hungry and he was looking for someone with something to eat. As soon as he saw the little boy he went over to him and snatched the sandwich away from him. The boy was left there looking at his empty hands.
    But, what’s this? When Roddy snatched the sandwich the bracelet got even tighter. He couldn’t understand why this was happening. The more he bullied the more the bracelet got tighter. So tight that now it was now almost cutting his skin on his wrist. He tried to undo the bracelet but he just could not do it. The more he tried the tighter it got. He sat down in despair. What was he to do? Who could he tell? If he told anyone they would laugh at him and say he got what he deserved. He wanted to cry now.
    He understood now what the little boys and girls felt when they were helpless against him. He felt ashamed of himself. He saw that he had gone too far when he had taken that bracelet from that little boy. Was this bracelet magic? Why did it get so tight when he bullied anyone?
    Suddenly, as he was sitting there despairing, that little boy appeared before him.
    “Hello,” he said, “having trouble with the bracelet?”
    Roddy looked up and was surprised to see the little boy standing there in front of him. As he watched the little boy changed to a tall thin man! He had a nice kindly face and he was smiling now.
    Roddy got frightened.
    “Don’t be afraid,” said the stranger. “I came in front of you on purpose with a bracelet. I knew you would take it away from me. I wanted to teach you a lesson.  How do you like your bracelet now, Roddy?”
     “I don’t like it at all,” he replied. “Who are you? Please, take it away from me.”
    “My name is Mr. Put-It-Right,” said the stranger. “I will not take that bracelet just yet. It will loosen up as soon as you stop bullying and start doing kind deeds. If you don’t it will get tighter and tighter and no jeweler or anyone will be able to take it off. If you want to get rid of this bracelet you will have to become a good boy. Do you think you can do that?”
    Roddy was shocked to hear all that. He had no choice but to become a good boy.
    “I will try,” he said in a small voice.
    As soon as he said that and he looked up Mr. Right was gone!
    Now Roddy started to look for an opportunity to do a good deed. He did not know how to go about it at first.
    Now the next day he saw a little girl who was in a hurry to get to her class and as she was running her bag fell and all her things fell out. Roddy saw a beautiful compass. He was tempted to snatch it from her but remembered in time what Mr. Right had told him. So he went to the little girl to help her. As soon as she saw him she felt frightened.
    “Don’t worry,” he said feeling rather awkward. “I am not going to hurt you. I just want to help you.”
    The little girl could not believe her ears. Roddy helped her with her things and he went on his way.
    As soon as he helped the little girl he felt his bracelet loosen a bit. Now he began to look for other good deeds he could do to so that he could get a relief.
    Soon the word spread that Roddy no longer bullied anyone. As a matter of fact he had become a very helpful boy. Even the teachers were surprised at the change in Roddy. He no longer had a scowl on his face and he was actually smiling now. What a difference!
     In doing so he got so used to being good that he forgot all about his bullying and he became a very good boy. He has many friends now and he has stopped bullying altogether. Also he has lost his bracelet. It just disappeared one day when he woke up in the morning.
    He wonders sometimes why he was bullying the children in the first place.
    He is a very happy little boy now and if anybody bullies his friends he always stands up for them. Isn’t that sweet?

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