Sunday 4 September 2016

Surprise for Anne

Hello, everyone.
    The story that I am going to tell you today is my own creation. It is the story of a little girl who always wished to have a real baby to look after. What surprise she gets will blow you away! Read on and find out.

Surprise for Anne

    Anne was a little girl of five years old. She loved to play with her dolls very much. She had one particular doll that she was very fond of. It was made just like a real baby. If you put it down it would crawl like a real baby and say, “Mama, mama”. It came with a small milk bottle and several other things. As soon as she came back from school she would go to her playroom and pretended to feed it and then tucked it to sleep. She would even talk to it like it was a real baby. How she wished that it was a real baby. She always told her mother about her wish and her mother just smiled mysteriously at her and said nothing.
    Now her mother had not been feeling well lately. Anne could see that her stomach was growing bigger and lately she was having difficulty sitting down. She was also unable to pick up anything from the floor. She would tell Anne to pick it up for her. Anne worried about her a lot.
    “Mum,” she would tell her mother, “why don’t you go to the doctor and get yourself treated? You don’t look well at all. You look very tired.”
    “Oh, I will be fine,” she would say to her, smiling.
    Anne could not understand why her mother was being so mysterious.
    One day, her Aunt Nora came to stay with them. Anne was very much surprised to see her come all of a sudden. That night Aunt Nora tucked to bed instead of her mother. When Anne asked where her mother was she was told she could not come up the stair to tuck her that night.
    The next day, her aunt came to wake her to go to school. She was told that her mother had gone to the hospital and may be back in the afternoon.
    “Is she very sick?” she asked her aunt, worried.
    “No, she is not sick,” replied her aunt with a smile. “You are going to have a big surprise. This much I can tell you.”
    So that day Anne went to school in a big suspense. What was the surprise? Why was everyone acting so strange? She wished that someone would explain things to her. That day she was hardly able to concentrate in class. She kept thinking about her mother.
    When she got back from school her mother was not back yet. She felt like crying. Aunt Nora was there and told her that her mum would be back any minute and told her to eat her lunch and get ready to receive her.
    Anne had just finished her lunch after freshening up when the doorbell rang. She ran to get the door but it was only someone who wanted to know where one of their neighbours lived. She closed the door in disappointment.
     After about an hour she heard the door open. She ran to see if it was her father. It was and what was more he was smiling!
    “Would you like to have a surprise, Anne?” he asked her.
    “Yes,” Anne said, somewhat doubtfully.
    Then she saw her mother who was coming up the stairs and she was carrying what looked like a bundle in her arms!
    Anne’s mother came in sat down.
    “Come here, Anne,” she asked, “you have always wanted a baby sister or a baby brother, didn’t you? Well, you now have a baby brother. Come and say hello to him.”
    Anne could not believe her ears. A real baby to look after! A real baby to play with! She jumped for joy!
    She at once went to him and looked at him. It was the sweetest baby she had ever seen. She just looked in admiration.
    “Well?” her mother asked, “Aren’t you going to kiss him and say hello to him?”
    “Hello,” she said, almost in a whisper and kissed him gingerly on the cheek.
    Her mother, father and Aunt Nora laughed to see Anne so surprised.
    “Are you happy, Anne?” her father asked.
    “Oh yes,” said Anne, delighted to have such a wonderful surprise. “He has such small hands and feet! He is just like my doll. What is his name?”
    “You tell us what we should name him,” said her mother. “You have wanted a baby sister or a baby brother. Now it’s only fair that you give him the name.”
    “I know what to name him,” Anne said, her eyes shining. “I would very much like to call him Benny. I don’t know why but I love that name.”
    “And so he shall be called Benny,” said both his mother and father together.
    And so from that day onwards Anne was the happiest little girl. She had wanted a baby brother and now she had got it. She also got name him. That was the most fun part!