Monday 23 May 2016

The Tar Baby



Hello, everyone!

    The story that I am going to tell you was told to us by our teacher in school when we were little. This was one of my favourite stories. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when my teacher told us.

The Tar Baby

    Once upon a time, there was Brer Rabbit and there was Brer Fox. Brer Fox was always trying to catch Brer Rabbit, but Brer Rabbit was very cunning and always got away. One day, Brer Fox decided that it was time he caught Brer Rabbit. So he made a plan. He took some tar and some sand and he made a tar baby. Then he took the tar baby and sat it near a thick bush and he went and hid himself in a thick bush and waited patiently.

    Soon Brer Rabbit came along and when he saw the tar baby he stopped.

    "Hello! How are you?" greeted Brer Rabbit.

    The tar baby did not say anything, of course. 

    "I said hello," said Brer Rabbit again.

     Again, the tar baby did not answer. This made Brer Rabbit angry.

    "Who do you think you are?" he said, angrily. "Here I am greeting you and you do not want to answer. How dare you? I'll beat you."

    But still the tar baby did not say anything. This made Brer Rabbit so mad with rage that he gave the tar baby a blow! Now, what do you think happened? The tar baby was made of tar and so his paw got stuck to it. All this time Brer Fox was watching from his hiding place gleefully seeing his plan work.

    "Let go of me!" said Brer Rabbit, trying to get his paw off. 

   He couldn't do that of course and in his anger he gave the tar baby another blow with his other paw. As soon as he did that his other paw got stuck to it as well. Now, Brer Rabbit got really frightened. He gave the tar baby a kick and his back paw as well got stuck and in a panic he gave it another kick with his other leg and that got stuck too!

    When Brer Fox saw that Brer Rabbit was really and truly stuck, he came out of his hiding place.

    "Hello, there!" greeted Brer Fox. "Looks like we really and truly are stuck this time, isn't it?"

    With that he picked up Brer Rabbit and took him away. Brer Rabbit pleaded to Brer Fox to let him go but it was no use!

    Brer Rabbit had to think fast. Then, he had an idea!

   "Brer Fox," he said, "put in the fire or cook me or do anything but do not throw me in that bush. I'm very scared."

    Brer Fox did not pay attention at first. But when Brer Rabbit went on pleading to Brer Fox not to throw him in the bush, he became curious. So just to see what would happen, he threw Brer Rabbit in the bush.

    As soon as Brer Fox threw Brer Rabbit in the bush he got seperated from the tar baby.

    Brer Rabbit came out of the bush laughing!

    "Thank you very much, Brer Fox," he said, "I wanted you to throw me in the bush so that I could get seperated from your horrid tar baby. Wish you better luck next time!"

    With that he ran away laughing.

    Brer Fox stood there in a daze. Then, it dawned on him that Brer Rabbit had cheated him and got away once again!

    If you have enjoyed this story please leave a comment before you go. Thank you.