Thursday 19 May 2016

Foolish Abdul

Hello everyone,

    Today I am going to tell you a story of a very foolish little boy. His antics will leave you laughing. 

    This story had been told to us by my teacher when I was in standard two. I remember we had all laughed when she told us this story.

    Well, I am not going to say anything. Just read on find out what foolishness he did.

Foolish Abdul

    Once upon a time, there was a little boy whose name was Abdul. He was a very foolish boy. He never did anything right. For that matter he was always getting into trouble with everyone. His mother was especially tired of him. He never used his brains. His mother got so tired of him that one day she decided to send him to his grandmother just to get rid of him for a while.
     "Grandmother would like to see you," she told him, "she has been asking for you. Why don't you go and see her?"

     "Alright, Mother," he replied, "I will go straight away."

     And off he went.

    Abdul's grandmother loved him very much. He was her only grandson. She always gave him something to take back home whenever he visited her. This time she gave him a needle when he was ready to go home. Foolish Abdul put his needle in his pocket. As you know you cannot carry a needle in your pocket like money or anything else. You have to prick it in a piece of paper or on your sleeve because it is so small. It just slips through the cloth of a pocket and gets lost.That is exactly what happened to Abdul's needle. It slipped through the pocket and got lost on the way home.

    "What were you given by your grandmother?" His mother asked him when he reached home.

    Abdul searched for the needle in his pocket but could not find it.

    "She gave me a needle but I can't find it," he replied.

    "Oh Abdul! How could you put a needle in your pocket?" His mother asked him in frustration. " You should have pricked it on your sleeve."

    After a few days Abdul went to see his grandmother again. She was very pleased to see him. When it was time for him to go home she gave him a knife. He pricked the knife in the sleeve of his shirt remembering his mother's advice quite forgetting that this was not a needle but it was a knife. As he pricked his the sleeve of his shirt he tore his shirt.

    His mother was horrified when she saw his torn shirt!

    "Abdul, Abdul!" she exclaimed desperately, "Don't you know the difference between a needle and a knife? Now look you have torn your new shirt!"

    "But Mother, you told me to prick all sharp things on the sleeves of my shirt," Abdul replied.

    "You don't prick a knive on your sleeve," she said, " you wrap it in a paper and carry it."

    After a few days, he went to see his grandmother again. This time as he leaving to go home she gave him a nice little adorable puppy. Foolish Abdul again not thinking at all and just followed his mother's advice. He wrapped the little puppy in a paper!

    You should have seen the poor little thing wriggling and whining to get out. It did not want to be wrapped, it wanted to be carried or let it walk beside his master.

    When he reached home, he saw a wriggling parcel. When she asked him what it was he just answered her offhandedly that it was puppy. She stared at him in disbelief!

    "A what?" she exclaimed.

    "A puppy mother," he answered calmly. "I wrapped it with paper just like you told me."

    "O Abdul! You don't wrap a puppy with paper," his mother said, sighing, "you tie a strong string around his neck and lead it."

    After a few days, Abdul wanted to go and see his grandmother again.

    "Now my son if your grandmother gives you anything use your brains," his mother advised him. "Don't do anything foolish as you have been doing lately."

    "I will be careful, Mother," he said and off he went.

    This time his grandmother gave him some very big juicy oranges in a basket. As you can guess, Abdul being Abdul, he did not think at all! He just did what his mother had told him the last time. He tied a string to the basket and dragged it home. He didn't even mind when people stared at him in the street and laughed at him. He just went on walking as if it was normal to drag a basket behind you.

    When he reached home his mother was waiting anxiously for him. When she saw Abdul coming dragging a basket behind him she was extremely angry.

    "Abdul, why are you dragging a basket behind you?" she asked him.

    "Well, Mother, I tied a string to the basket and led it home just like you told me," he said proudly as if he had done something very great indeed.

    His mother stared at him, speechless.

    "I didn't tell you to tie a string to a basket," his poor mother said in exasperation. "I told you to tie a string to a puppy. You carry a basket on your head."

    "Sorry Mother, I will do that next time," he said, hanging his head.

    Now after a few days, Foolish Abdul asked his mother's permission to go and see his grandmother. His mother was reluctant to allow him, fearing he would do something foolish again. Then after much persuasion, she allowed him to go.

    Abdul set off to his grandmother's house. She was very pleased to see him and he spent a nice day there. His grandmother had made all sorts of good things to eat. As you can imagine he loved it very much.

    Now it was time to go home. His grandmother gave him a big chunk of butter to take home with him. Knowing foolish Abdul, you must have guessed what he did with the butter. Yes! He carried it on his head!

    What do you think happened? The sun was so hot that all the butter melted all over his head and trickled down to his body. He became sticky all over. He looked as if he had taken a bath in butter!

    His mother was horrified to see him like this! From that day onwards she did not allow him to visit his grandmother alone unless she was with him.

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