Tuesday 14 February 2017

The Naughty Little Monkey

Hello, everyone.
    Today I am going to tell you a hilarious story of a very naughty little monkey. He was always getting into trouble and getting his fellow little monkeys into trouble as well.  
    Read on and find out what happens when he thinks the moon has fallen in the pond.


    The story that I’m going to tell you now is only about the monkeys.

    As you know monkeys live on trees. They live on trees near to each other just like we live in houses near each other. When we live near each other like this we are called neighbours. The monkeys lived the same way and they had little monkeys who played together just like you play with your friends.

    Now, there was one little monkey, who was very naughty and did things he shouldn’t do. The mothers were always telling their little ones to keep away from this little monkey as he always got them into trouble.

    One night, this naughty little monkey was feeling very restless and could not sleep even after everyone was fast asleep. The moon was shining brightly and he crept slowly to the edge of the branch and began to look about him. The moonlight was pouring through the branches and leaves and was making patterns on the ground. As he was looking about him, his eyes fell on the pond near the trees. Suddenly, he stopped and stared in horror at the pond, his eyes nearly popping out.
    “Oh no!” he cried, “The moon has fallen in the pond. We’ll have to do something about it. We’ll have to get it back up there!”

    And he began to think of ways to get the moon out.

    “I know, I’ll wake everyone up and tell them,” he thought, “but if I do that everyone will be angry with me.”

    So he dropped the idea of waking up everyone. Then, he had another idea.

    “I know I’ll wake up all my friends and we’ll get the moon out from the pond and put it back up in the sky without anyone knowing about it,” he thought.

    So he went from tree to tree and woke up all his friends. When everyone was awake he gathered them under a tree and told them about the moon, showing them the reflection of it. The other little monkeys also thought that it was the moon itself in the pond. All the little monkeys were horrified and agreed with the naughty little monkey that something had to be done. So he told them his idea how to get the moon back in the sky.
    “We’ll climb that tree near the pond and hang by holding onto each other’s tails on the branch that bends over the pond,” explained the mischievious little monkey.

     Soon all the monkeys were climbing on the branch over the pond. Then, another little monkey took hold of his tail. Very soon, there were eight to ten of them hanging on the branch of the tree. By now, the first one had almost reached the pond.

    But then, suddenly, oh dear! What’s this? KERRAC- went the branch as it broke under the weight of all those monkeys. You see, they had not checked whether it was strong enough to hold their weight or not. They had been too absorbed by the idea of getting the moon out of the pond. Very soon it was raining monkeys on the pond, as they splashed into the cold water. Oh my! What a hullabaloo! The way they were scared and screamed and shouted for help! It was quite a sight I can tell you that.

    Soon, all the rest of the monkeys were wide awake. They all came scampering down the trees to see what all the commotion was about. When they saw the monkeys drowning, they dived into the water and got all mischievious monkeys out, who were shivering with cold and fright.

 When the older monkeys heard their story, they were furious at the
naughty little monkey. When they looked for him he was nowhere to be found. He had gone and hidden himself in one of the trees, partly shivering with cold and partly with fright.

    After this, the naughty little monkey didn’t go near the pond for days. He had had enough of ponds to last a long, long time, I can tell you that!

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