Thursday 2 February 2017

Mr. Put It Right and Melinda

Hello, everyone.
    Today I am going to tell you another story of Mr. Put It Right. He is that tall thin man with a smiling face. As you all know he is the man who puts people right when they are doing something wrong. He also has some magical powers which he uses to help them.
    Well, this time he puts a little girl right who had the habit of wasting food.
    Read on and find out how he did it.

Mr. Put It Right and Melinda

    Melinda was a ten year old little girl. She was a good girl except for one thing. She wasted food a lot. She would fill her plate to the full but hardly ate half of it. The rest would go to waste. Not only that she would add some more food even if there was more on her plate. As you know that is a very bad habit. Her mother always tried to correct her but she would never listen.
    One day, she was invited to a birthday party along with her mother and father. She loved parties as there was so much good food and fun and games. She was really enjoying herself very much. First there were some games and then the little girl whose birthday it was cut the cake. Then came the part that Melinda loved the most, eating all the goodies. As was her habit she started to pile up her plate. Now what she did not know was that Mr. Put It Right was also invited to that party. He was standing right behind her and he noticed Melinda piling up her plate. All the girls and boys had taken what they wanted but she kept on piling until there was a heap of food on her plate.
    “Hello,” he said to Melinda, “do you really think you will be able to eat all that food?”
    Melinda turned around and looked at him. She did not say anything but walked away with her piled up plate. She went to sit beside one of her friends and started to eat. Halfway through she stood up and went to get some more food while there was still so much more on her plate. Mr. Put It Right saw what she was doing and he muttered something under his breath. Melinda went and sat down in her place and continued to eat. Now she was very full and there still was so much food on her plate. She wanted to put her down. But, what’s this she just couldn’t do it! Her hand went on moving and she went on eating even though she was full! She tried hard to stop her hand from bringing food to her mouth but in vain. She just couldn’t stop! She began to get scared and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She tried to speak but her voice was choked because of so much food in her mouth. Her friend looked at her and saw her crying. She went and informed Melinda’s mother who came quickly to see what was wrong. She was horrified to see Melinda crying and eating the food.
    “Stop eating, Melinda,” she said, embarrassed. “What is wrong with you?”
    Melinda couldn’t reply since her mouth was full.
   Seeing all this Mr. Put It Right came forward.
    “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Can’t you stop eating?”
    Melinda shook her head, eating away unwillingly.
    “You see what happens when you take more food than you can eat?” he said. “Do you promise that you will always take just enough food that you can eat?”
    Melinda nodded her head vigorously. Mr. Put It Right muttered some words and her hand stopped moving. She immediately went and threw away her food. Her mother and father were shocked at all this.
    “In future, young lady,” he said, “remember this and never take so much food that you cannot eat. There are so many people in the world who go without food. Always take you fair share of not only food but anything. I hope you have learnt your lesson.”
    “Yes, Sir,” she said in a small voice.
    “You see, Melinda,” her mother said, “I have always warned you, but you never listened.”
    “Here take this ring,” said Mr. Put It Right, giving her a beautiful ring that had the shape of a doughnut on it. “It will remind you to be careful in future.”
    She put it on her finger and when she tried to take it off she couldn’t for you see it was a magic ring. But she liked it so she did not mind wearing it although she was ashamed as soon as she saw the doughnut.
    Every time Melinda tried to take her fair share of food the ring would remind her by getting tighter and she would just what she wanted.
    One day, there came a time when she no longer needed the ring. She woke up one day to find that her ring had gone. She searched everywhere for it but never found it, of course. It was a magic ring and it had gone back to Mr. Put It Right.
    I hope you don’t have this bad habit, children. Or else one day Mr. Put It Right will come and get this habit out of you in a way you won’t like it!

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