Monday 11 July 2016

The Clever Crow

Hello, everyone!
    Today I am going to tell you the story of a very clever crow. What he did when he felt thirsty will make you smile. It is a very old story. I had read this story when I was a little girl.
     Read on and find out how clever a crow can be.

The Clever Crow

     Once, there was a crow. He was feeling very thirsty and started searching for water to drink. He flew around but could not find any water. At last just as he was giving up he saw a pitcher standing on the side of the road. Feeling hopeful he went and sat down on the mouth of the pitcher. When he looked inside there was very little water at the bottom. He was very disappointed. He did not know what to do. He sat there thinking.
    Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea. He started to search around and soon found some pebbles. What he did was he took a pebble and put that in the pitcher and then he put another and another and another. He went on doing that until the water was had risen to the neck of the pitcher. It was near enough for his beak to reach there and drink.

    And so when he saw that he stopped putting any more pebbles and put his beak in the pitcher and drank until all his thirst was quenched. Having satisfied his thirst he flew away happily.
    And so you see children, if you really want something you should never give up but keep trying until you get it.

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