Thursday 16 June 2016

The Bully in School

Hello everyone,
    Today’s story is my own creation and I have based this story in Tanzania, Africa.
    Do you know where Tanzania is?
    It is located in East Africa. It is a beautiful country with lots of greenery. It is well known for its parks of wild animals. You can get the tastiest fruits and vegetables there.
    The staple food of the Tanzanians is ugali. Ugali is made of maize flour and is eaten with anything, like boiled vegetables or meat or fish. Sometimes it is eaten dried fish.
    The people of Tanzania are very friendly and they welcome guests with open arms.
    So now you know a bit about Tanzania go ahead and read the story.

The Bully in School

    Francis was a ten year old boy. When you look at him nobody could even imagine that he was the meanest boy in his class. He loved to bully the other children. Whenever he saw a girl or a boy with something new, he would bully that child and get it. It was not like his father could not afford to buy him whatever he wanted, but it was just that he was a very spoilt child. He always got what he wanted whenever he wanted by his parents. All he had to do was ask and he would get it. Because of this reason, if he wanted something he had to have it at all costs! It was his opinion that he had to have what he wanted and nobody should have what he had!
    One day, Alice, one of his classmates, brought a compass box. It was a beautiful pink one with the picture of Barbie on it. Alice was an orphan. She did not a father or a mother. She lived with her grandmother who was very fond of her. But being poor her grandmother was not able to buy her many things much as she wanted to. One day she saw this compass in a shop and since she had some money in her purse she bought it for her grand-daughter. She knew that Alice would look after it well. The compass box did not have anything inside and Alice put her own pencil, eraser and a small ruler inside it. She hardly got any presents and when she got this box she was delighted.
    The next day she carried to school. Now Francis saw it and he liked it. Although he knew that it was a girl’s compass box, he had to have it.
    He went to Alice as soon as he saw it.
    “Give me that box,” he demanded as if it belonged to him.

    “No, I won’t,” said Alice, “it’s mine. My grandmother bought it for me.”
    “So what,” Francis said. “I want it, because I like it and you give it to me right now.”
    “No, I won’t,” said Alice, clutching the compass box tightly. “I’ll tell teacher.”
    “Ha! Even if you tell teacher nothing will happen to me,” he said, boldly. “You give me that box or I’ll beat you and take it from you.”
    Alice began to cry. All the children were now surrounded there. They were watching what was going on. They knew that if Francis wanted something he would have it no matter what. But this time everyone was on Alice’s side. Everybody knew that she hardly ever got anything and if Francis took away her compass it wouldn’t be fair at all. But nobody could do anything. Everyone was afraid of Francis. He was a big and strong boy and Alice was small and frail.
    “Are you giving it to me or not?” he asked in a dangerous voice.
    “No, I won’t,” replied the little girl.
    Francis took hold of the compass in Alice’s hand and tried to get it from her. Alice was holding it very tightly and he could not get it. So he tried to force it out of her hand. Now, in doing that Alice fell on one side and the compass box fell on the other side. Since the box was made of plastic, it broke and all her things fell out!
    Francis began to laugh now.
    “You can keep the box now, I don’t want it,” he said, and with that he went away still laughing.
    Alice stood up and began to collect her things. The other children helped her. Alice cried bitterly. What would she tell her grandmother?
    Just then, their teacher came into the classroom. When she saw all the children crowded round Alice and her crying, she asked, “What is it? Why are you crying, Alice?”
    Alice could hardly speak and so the other children standing there explained to the teacher all that had happened.
    The teacher was shocked to hear everything!
    “Has this been going on for long?” she asked.
    “Ever since he has come to this school,” the children replied. Some said he had taken their pencils, some said he had taken their rulers and one even said that he had taken his new cap that he had worn to school one day.
    The teacher was dumbfounded!
    “Where is Francis now?” she asked.
    Just then, who should come in but Francis as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. He looked so innocent.
    “Francis, why did you try to take Alice’s compass box?” she asked him. “Why did you make her break it?”
    “Me?” he asked, innocently. “I haven’t taken her compass box, let alone break it.”
    “The children are all witnesses here,” she said. “You tried to take the compass box by force and you broke it. Isn’t that right, children?”
    “Yes, Teacher,” the children all replied with one voice.
    “Francis, Alice, please come with me to the headmaster’s office,” she said.
    All three of them went to the headmaster’s office. There the teacher told the headmaster the whole story. The headmaster was shocked as well.
    He immediately looked up Francis’ father’s phone number and called him to come to the office immediately.
    The teacher and Alice were told to go back to class, but Francis was told to stay behind until his father arrived.
    His father arrived after a while. He was told the whole story and then the headmaster summoned Alice and the teacher to his office.
    Francis’ father was horrified!
    “How could you do such a mean thing?” he asked, turning to his son. “Haven’t I given you whatever you wanted? Why did you want to take something that did not belong to you when you know that I would have gotten it for you? All you had to do was ask. Now, what I want you to do is to apologize to Alice and then you will buy her a new compass box just like the one that you broke from your own pocket money. As for telling lies that you had done nothing, you won’t have lunch money for a whole week, young man. it’s high time you learnt a lesson!”
    With that he apologized to the headmaster and to Alice and comforted her and then went away, promising that, that very evening he would take Francis to buy a new compass box so that she would get it the next day.
    From that day onwards, Francis never dared to bully anyone again!

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