Sunday 26 June 2016

Little Ali and his Car

Hello everyone,
    Today I am going to tell the story of little boy who lived in India. He loved to play with cars. He had a beautiful one and wished to have many more.
    Read on and find out what he does and if he is able to do that or not.

Little Ali and his Car

    Ali was a little boy. He was four years old and he loved to play with cars. His father had bought for him a beautiful car. It was red with black tires and you could even open the doors and there were seats inside just like a real car. The seats were black too and it had safety belts that were brown. All in all it was really beautiful.
    One day, he was playing in the garden. The gardener was there and he was planting some seeds. Ali went near him and sat down on his haunches to see what he was doing.
    “What are you doing?” he asked the gardener.
    “Well, I am sawing seeds,” replied the gardener, looking at him.
    “Why do you saw these seeds?” he asked, curiously.
    “I saw seeds so that they would grow into plants and give beautiful flowers,” he replied, and added, “we can even grow trees with them so that we get fruits.”
    “So if I plant something that plant will grow and give me fruit, isn’t it?” he asked, again.
    “Yes,” replied the gardener, but knowing the little master and his ways he asked, curiously, “what do you intend to plant, little master?”
    “Oh, nothing,” replied Ali, looking really thoughtful.
    The gardener went back to doing his work and did not think about the conversation.
    Ali sat thinking. If you plant seeds to grow into trees and then they give you lots of fruits what if he planted his car?
    He went inside the house and got out his beach set. Then he went to a corner of the garden and dug out the soil and put his car in the hole and covered it with the soil.
    A few days passed, his mother noticed that he did not play with his car as usual. He was just sitting there on the patio with his chin in his hands as was his habit.
   “Ali, where is your car?” she asked him, “Why aren’t you playing with it?”
    “I have put my car to grow,” he said, as if it was a normal thing to happen.
    “You have done what?” asked his mother, stopping what she was doing.
    “I am waiting for my car to grow,” he said, again innocently. “I have put my car in the ground like the gardener so that there will be many cars to play with.”
    His mother looked at him with disbelief and when she understood what he was saying, she burst out laughing.
    His mother came down sat beside him.
    “Ali, you don’t grow cars on trees,” she said wiping the tears from her eyes and explained, “cars are made by man. They are non-living things. They do not grow. People make them in factories.”
    Ali looked disappointed.
    “They don’t?” he asked in a small voice.
    “No, darling,” she said, hugging him. “You can grow flowers and trees but you can’t grow things. Now, where have you ‘planted’ your car?”
    Ali stood up and led the way and his mother followed. He took her to the place where he had buried his car. His mother explained to the gardener what had happened and asked him to bring a shovel and dig the car out. When the gardener heard the story he laughed, too.
    “So that is why you were so curious and asking me so many questions?” he said, grinning.
    Soon the gardener dug out Ali’s car. His mother took it and cleaned it and gave it to him.
    “Ali, if you had kept your car buried for a very long time it would have rotted and we wouldn’t have been able to clean it and you wouldn’t have been able to play with it,” said his mother. “Don’t go burying things again, please.”
    “Yes, Mummy,” he said, smiling.
    From that day onwards, he always asked before he did anything of the sort.

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