Wednesday 6 April 2016



    Once, the fox was lying under a tree, feeling very hungry, indeed. He had tried to get something to eat, but had failed. He was lying there now wondering what to do, when suddenly, he saw a crow. He flew to the opposite tree and sat on one of the branches. In his beak he held a nice big juicy piece of meat! The fox’s mouth watered, when he saw it. He began to think of a way to get it. Then, he had an idea.

    “Hello, Mr. Crow,” greeted the fox. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”

    But the crow only nodded his head in reply and didn’t say anything as he had the piece of meat in his beak.

    “My! But you sure do have lovely black feathers,” commented the fox, trying to get the crow to speak.

    Again, the crow only nodded his head in reply.

    “I’m sure have a lovely voice, too,” went on the fox. “I have never heard you sing. Won’t you sing for me? I’d love to hear you sing.”

    The crow was flattered, when he heard the fox praising him. This time, he hesitated unsure of himself.

    “Oh, please! Sing to me!” prompted the fox, when he saw the crow hesitate. “I do so want to hear your lovely voice so much, please!”

    This time the crow couldn’t resist any more. He opened his beak to sing, forgetting that he had a piece of meat in his beak and it fell on the ground, with a plop!

    As soon as it fell the fox jumped up and ran to where it had fallen and gobbled it up!

    “Thank you, Mr. Crow!” said the fox. “That was a delicious piece of meat. Goodbye!”

    “Hey! That was my piece of meat you just ate,” said the crow, angrily. “Come back here!”

    But the fox had already run away and was hiding under a thick bush. The crow searched for him for a while and then with an angry caw he flew away in search of something else to eat.

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