Tuesday 5 April 2016


    Hi! My name is Yasmin Khatri.

    I will be posting children's stories every Monday and Thursday.

    I hope you enjoy them just like I enjoy writing them. 

    This is my first story. It's called 'The lion and the Mouse'.

    Happy reading!


    One day, as the lion was out hunting, he caught a mouse. The mouse begged the lion to let him go.

    “Why should I let you go?” asked the lion.

    “Well, for one thing,” the mouse started to explain. “I am so small. I could hardly make a morsel for you. Also, it could be that one day I could repay your kindness,” said the mouse.

    When the lion heard this, it amused him very much and he roared with laughter!

    “You, helping me! And how do you think, you, a mere mouse is going to help me, a big lion?” asked the lion in amusement.

    The mouse got encouraged at the lion’s mirth.

    “I don’t know, but you can never know. Maybe one day you will need my help,” he said in a meek voice.

    The lion looked at the frightened meek mouse in amusement.

    “Alright, I will let you go just this once. But I warn you, next time I will not let you go,” he said letting the mouse go.

    “Oh, thank you very much, kind sir,” said the mouse gratefully, relieved at being spared.

    The lion went away, laughing, making the whole jungle shake with his
roaring laughter.

   The mouse ran away as fast as he could, happy to be alive.

    Now, it so happened that one day as the lion was walking in the jungle, searching for food, he suddenly got trapped in a net set by one of the hunters. The lion roared and struggled to get out of the net. But the more he struggled the more tighter the net got. At last, he gave up.

    Now, what happened was that as the lion was roaring, the mouse was passing nearby and heard it. He stopped to hear and recognized the roaring. His first thought was to run away, but then he remember the lion’s kindness and decided to investigate, although, he was scared stiff at the prospect of going to there.

    When he reached the lion, he was surprised at what he saw. The lion was trapped in a net and could not get out.

    “Don’t worry,” said the mouse. “I will get you out in just a little while, sir!”

     With that he began to gnaw at the net, and soon he had made a big hole in it. The lion was able to get out quite easily. The mouse started to run, but the lion stopped him. The mouse stopped, terrified, thinking that now the lion would surely eat him up. But, the lion just went to him and shook hands with him.

    “Thank you, so much!” he said, gratefully. “I never thought that you would ever be able to help me. Now, I know that you should never underestimate anybody, however small. I’m sorry I laughed at you that day.”

   With that the lion went on his way and the mouse went on his.


  1. This is a wonderful idea. My 6 year old daughter enjoyed reading the story above.

  2. Thank you so much Sarah. I will be posting every Mondays and Thursdays. Tell your friends about my stories.
