Thursday 28 April 2016

Spoit Little Maureen

    Hello everyone,
       The story that I am going to tell you today is my own creation. 
       I hope you enjoy reading it as much as enjoyed writing it.
                                                             SPOILT LITTLE MAUREEN

    Maureen was a six year old little girl. If you saw her she was the sweetest little girl you ever saw. She had chubby cheeks with dimples in them when she smiled. She had golden hair, which was tied into a bow at the back of her head. She had small white teeth and big round eyes, which were deep blue in colour like a calm sea. As a matter of fact, you would never ever dream that this little girl could become a real monster if she did not get what she wanted! She would throw tantrums until her mother did not know what to do!

    One day, Maureen’s mother took her to one of her friend’s house. Now, her friend had a son who was the same age as Maureen. His name was Bobby. Bobby was a nice little boy. When Bobby saw Maureen, he invited her to his room to play with him. There he had a lot of toys. He also had a beautiful train set. He had been given this train set by his uncle on his birthday and he really loved it.

    They played for about an hour and then Maureen’s mother called to go home. This is when the problem started. Maureen came downstairs obediently, but as soon as she came downstairs, she said in a demanding voice, “I want that train set that Bobby has. I want to take it home.”

    “Maureen dear, you just can’t take anything at home like that. Besides, you have to ask politely,” her mother said, feeling that familiar uncomfortable feeling.

    “I want it, Mum and I want it right now,” she said, stubbornly.

   “I tell you what we’ll do. We shall go to town tomorrow and buy one just like that, alright?” her mother said, coaxingly, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t go into in one of her embarrassing tantrums again.

    “I don’t want it tomorrow. I want it right now. I want Bobby’s train set,” she said, stiffly.

  “Try to understand, dear. This is Bobby’s play station. You just can’t take it away from him just like that. That’s very rude, don’t you think?” her mother asked, uncomfortably.

    She knew what was coming and she was dreading it. She wished that she had never to her friend’s house.

    Maureen started screaming at the top her voice! Then, she lay down on the floor and beat her legs and fists with all her might.

    Bobby’s mother looked uncomfortable. She took Bobby aside and said, “Bobby dear, do give Maureen your train set. I’m sure she will bring it back tomorrow.”

    Bobby looked at his mother. His heart sank. He understood what his mother meant. If he didn’t give the train set Maureen would go on with her tantrum. So, he reluctantly went and brought the train set and gave it spoilt little Maureen, who wiped her eyes and looked victorious because she got her way again with her tantrums.

    “I’m so sorry for all this,” said Maureen’s mother, very much embarrassed. “I’ll make sure that Maureen sends it back to tomorrow.”

   Bobby looked ready to cry. He knew somehow that he would never see his train set again.

    When Maureen and her mother were gone, Bobby went upstairs to his room and shut himself there until it was time for dinner.

    The next day Maureen wouldn’t let her mother return the train set neither the day after and nor the day after that. Her mother had really gotten tired of her tantrums and was thinking of some way to make Maureen a well-behaved child. Suddenly, she had an idea! Of course, why not! She took her phone and dialed her mother’s number. She talked to her for a while and then said goodbye and put down the phone.

    Then, she called Maureen.

    “Maureen dear,” she said, “would you like to go and stay with Grandma for a few days?”

    Maureen was delighted. Going to Grandma’s meant having all kinds of good things to eat and having a lot of fun, doing whatever you wanted and having whatever you wanted.

    “Oh, yes!” she said at once. “I would love to go to Grandma’s. When can I go, Mother?”

   “Well, you can go tomorrow, if you like,” her replied.

    Maureen jumped for joy. She could go tomorrow! This meant she had a lot of packing to do.

    “Mother, can I start packing right now?”

    “Yes, you can,” her mother said. “But don’t take too many things, as you know Grandma isn’t very strong.”

    Although she said that she knew that Maureen would take whatever she wanted regardless of what she was told.

    And so, Maureen went to do her packing. She took all her best clothes, some of her games and one or two of her dolls and her teddy bear, although, she knew that she would never be using most of her things. When her mother came up to see how she was doing, she told her to reduce some of her things. Maureen was stubborn. She said she must take all these things as she did not know when would need them and looked ready to go into one of her tantrums. Her mother gave up and went downstairs.

    The next day, Maureen woke up very early. Had her breakfast and got ready.

    Maureen’s mother took her to the station and put her aboard the train. She sat near the window and when the train was ready to go she waved her mother goodbye. Soon, the train was gone. She heaved a big sigh of relief. Now, she would get a few days’ rest and go and visit her friends without any fear of a tantrum.

    When Maureen reached the station, her grandmother was there to receive her. They were both delighted to see each other.

    Once, at home, Grandma gave Maureen some fresh lemonade and some freshly baked cookies that she had baked that morning. That whole day Maureen played at home or she went into the garden and played there as it was a beautiful day.

    The next day, Grandma took Maureen to one of her friend’s house. There, Grandma’s friend had her granddaughter visiting her for a few days. As usual, Maureen became friends with her and began to play with her. Now, here, Maureen’s new friend, whose name was Susan, had brought her violin with her to practice at her grandmother’s house. She showed Maureen the violin and played a bit of music. She also let Maureen take it into her hands and showed her how it was played, which was a big mistake because, she immediately made up her to mind to take the violin with her when she went home. They played for about an hour and then Grandma said it was getting late and it was time to go home.

    Now, when Grandma said they had to go, Maureen suddenly said,
“Grandma, I want to take that violin home with me. I like it very much.”

    Her grandmother stared at her in disbelief! Had she heard the right thing?

    When Maureen saw her looking at her like that, she said it again, “Grandma, I want to take that violin home with me. I like it very much.”

   “No, dear, you can’t take that violin with you,” said her grandmother, firmly, “because, it doesn’t belong to you.”

    “Oh! But I want it and I want it badly!” she said.

    “I said, you can’t take it with you as it doesn’t belong to you,” said her grandmother, frowning.

    Now, Maureen decided to have one of her tantrums to have her own way.

    “Oh! But I must have it! I must!” she screamed.

    “Give me one reason why you must have it when it isn’t even yours,” Grandma said, calmly.

    “Let her have it and then you can always return it tomorrow. Susan has done her practicing for today,” said Grandma’s friend.

    “No, she mustn’t,” Grandma said, firmly. “Why should she have something that doesn’t belong to her and besides she doesn’t have the courtesy to ask politely. She doesn’t even know how to play a violin so what will she do with it, may I know?”

    Then, she turned to Maureen and said, “Now young lady, are you coming home with me or should I leave you her, because I’m going, see whether you come with me or not.”

    And with that she turned to her friend and granddaughter and said goodbye and started to leave.

    When Maureen saw her leaving, she was alarmed! She ran after her.
 “Wait for me,” she said, running after her grandmother, who was
already out of the doorway and making down the path. 

    Maureen had never been treated like that before and she didn’t like it one bit. She thought Grandma was very selfish to have denied her the violin, when she had wanted it so badly.

    By the time, they reached home, Maureen had calmed down but was sulking. She wouldn’t talk to her grandmother, but Grandma took no notice of her.

    After dinner, when Maureen was going to bed, Grandma called her.

    “Tomorrow we are going for a picnic. We will have to leave here at nine o’clock sharp. The bus will come to take us. So you’d better be ready,” she told Maureen.

    Maureen was thrilled and forgot to sulk. Going for a picnic! Why, that would be great fun!

    “Alright, Grandma,” she said. “I shall be ready.”

    The next day, Maureen got up early. She began to pack up her things. She took her dolls, her teddy bear and some of her games. Then, she took all these downstairs.

    When her grandmother saw her with such a big bag, she asked in surprise, “Where do you think you are going with all those things?”

    “I’m taking them with me to play,” Maureen replied.

    “Oh, no! You’re not taking anything with you,” her grandmother said firmly. “If you want you can take your spade and bucket, but nothing else, see!”

    “But, Grandma, I must have all these things,” she said, stubbornly.

    “Okay, either you leave all these things here or you stay here with them. See!” Grandma said, even more firmly.

    Maureen looked her grandmother. She saw that she was not going to give in like her mother used to do. She decided to do as she was told.

    “Well? Are leaving your things and coming with me and have lots of fun and have all sorts of good things to eat?” her grandmother asked.

    “Oh, alright,” she said, reluctantly and went to keep her things upstairs.

    “Now, there’s a good girl. That’s more like it!” said her grandmother, smiling.

   Grandma had taken a lot of food and some orange juice. They had a lovely day. Maureen was thankful she had not taken all the stuff that she had wanted to take. She saw that she wouldn’t even have had the time to play with it. There were so many other children who had come for a picnic and they played hide and seek and catch and catch and lots of other games.

     The next day, Grandma told Maureen that she was going to visit one of her friends with her.

    “But, if you throw any of your tantrums there, I shall leave you there and come back without you, see!” she warned Maureen. “And next time I won’t take you anywhere, not even to the picnics. I shall leave you her and go away by myself. See!”
   So, Maureen didn’t make a fuss at all. And although she found she wanted something she just kept quiet!

    When it was time for Maureen to go home, she was a changed little girl. She, no longer made any tantrums and was very well-behaved. She, also minded her p’s and q’s, that is, pleases and thank yous. She wondered now why she had brought so many things with her. She had hardly played with any of her toys, as she hadn’t even had the time to play with them.

    When Maureen returned home, her mother was very happy to see her. Grandma had told her the whole story. Also, she had been warned not to give in to her tantrums.

    So, whenever Maureen went into tantrums, her mother would simply say, “Shall I tell Grandma?” And Maureen would behave herself immediately.

Monday 25 April 2016


    Once upon a time, there was an old lion. He had become so old that he could hardly hunt any more. So he had to go hungry for days at a time.

    I have lost all my strength and speed and agility to hunt. I can hardly catch any animals as I used to, thought the lion. I’ll have to do something about it. I think I have an idea. I shall pretend to be sick and when the animals come to visit me I shall eat them.

    So, when he heard someone passing near his den, he quickly lay down and began to moan and groan loudly as if he was in great pain. Now, it happened to be the squirrel passing by and when she heard the moans and groans, she stopped and listened. When she heard them coming from the lion’s den, she wanted to run away at first, but then she felt pity and entered the den to enquire.

    When the squirrel entered the den, the lion called out, “Who is it?”

    “It’s me, the squirrel,” came the reply.

    “Oh, please, do come in,” said the lion in a weak voice.

    By now, the squirrel had reached where the lion was lying moaning and groaning.

    “What is the matter with you?” asked the squirrel. “Why are you lying there moaning and groaning?”

    “Oh! Squirrel,” groaned the lion. “I’m so sick and feel so weak. I’m so glad you came. I feel so lonely. I would dearly like somebody to come and talk to me every day.”

    The squirrel felt pity on him and decided to tell the other animals about the sick old lion. Soon, one by one the animals came to see him. The lion would pounce on the animal and eat him up. All the animals had come to see him except the fox. The lion began to wonder why the fox had not come to see him. So he sent a message to the fox to come and see him.

    When the fox got the message, he decided to pay the lion a visit.

   But, when he reached the den, he did not go in. He called the lion to come outside.

    “Do come in, Mr. Fox,” said the lion in a weak voice, “You know I can’t come out. I can hardly walk.”

    But, the fox insisted on the lion come out. Finally, the lion came to the mouth of the den slowly with a lot moans and groans and sat down.

    “I wanted to see you so much,” said the lion. “I haven’t seen you for a long time. You know my sight is not all that good now. I can hardly see you from here. Please come and sit near me and be comfortable.”

    “I’m quite comfortable here, thank you,” said the fox.

   “Why won’t you come near me, Mr. Fox?” asked the lion.

    “Well, it’s like this. You see all these paw marks, I see all of them going in, but I don’t see any of them coming out,” replied the fox.

    So saying, he ran away as fast as he could.

   Soon, all the animals knew that the lion was only pretending to be sick and nobody went to see him again.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Foolish Old Man

    Hello everyone!

    It's Thursday again and this time I have brought you a story of an old man and his son. I will be bringing you different type of stories every Thursday and Monday. Sometimes it will be of animals and sometimes it will be of people.

    I hope you enjoy this story.


    Once upon a time, there was a very poor old man who lived with his ten year old son in Africa. He was so poor that he did not have enough to eat. He had a donkey which he used when he wanted to go to the market or some place that was very far. On this day he decided to sell his donkey in order to get some money to buy food for him and his son. He called his son to him and told him of his plan.

    “Look here, son. We do not have anything to eat or any money to buy something to eat,” he said. “Today is market day. We will take our donkey there and sell it.”

    “Alright, Father,” replied the son.

    And so, the old man and his son started out on the journey to the market with their donkey. They were walking beside the donkey with the old man holding the rope tied to the beast’s neck.

    As they were walking down the road they met a man. This man looked at the three of them and stopped and asked, “Where are you all going?”
    “We are going to the market to sell the donkey,” replied the old man.

    “So why doesn’t one of you sit on the donkey?” asked the man.

    The old man thought that was a good idea and told his son to sit on the donkey. So, the son got on it and the three of them went on their way.

    As they were going soon they met an old woman. She stopped as soon as she saw them and went near them.

   “Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself, young man?” she said, “You are riding on the donkey and you are letting your poor old father to walk! Your father should be riding the donkey and you should be walking!”

    The boy, immediately felt ashamed of himself and got down from the donkey and said to his father, “Father, you ride the donkey and I will walk. The old woman is right, I ought to be walking and you should be riding the donkey.”

    So, the old man got on the donkey. Soon, they were on their way
to the market with the old man riding the donkey and the son walking beside them.

    As they were going down the road, they met a young man. When he saw them, he crossed the road and came over to them.

    “Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself?” he asked the father. “You are letting a young boy walk while you are riding the donkey. The boy will get tired.”

    The old man thought for a while and then told his son to get on the donkey behind him.

    Now, as the old man his son were riding on the donkey, they met another man. When he saw them both riding on the donkey, he came to them angrily.

    “What do you think you are doing?” he asked angrily. “You will kill the donkey by the weight of you both! You should carry the little donkey, he is so tired.”

At once the old man felt ashamed of himself.

    “You know what we should do?” asked the old man. “We should find a stick and tie the donkey to it and carry it, see.”

    So the old man and his son began to search for a thick stick until they found one. Then, they tied the legs of the donkey to it and started to carry it down the road. Soon, they came to a bridge over a river. Now, the donkey was tired of being carried upside down and started to kick and bray until the strings holding it got loose and it jumped onto the bridge and ran away as fast as it could!

    The old man shouted and yelled for the donkey to come back in vain!  

    That’s what becomes of people who do not use their own brains and listen to the other people all the time!