Wednesday 17 May 2017

Little Ali Learns a lesson

Hello, everyone,
    Today, I am going to tell you another of little Ali’s stories. Yes that brown eyed, chubby cheeked adorable little boy with tufts of brown hair.
    Read on and find out what happens when he tries to copy a spoilt little boy.

Little Ali Learns a Lesson

    Once, Ali’s mother took him along to visit a friend of hers. Ali’s mother’s friend greeted them very nicely and then she invited them inside the house. They went in and sat down in the sitting room. It was a very nice big spacious room. Everything was nice except that it was littered with toys of all sorts, teddy bears, several train sets, cars, legos and many other things. Little Ali’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets! He had never seen so many toys in his life! He got up and went to play with a train set. Seeing this his mother called him at once.
    “Ali, behave yourself, dear,” she said in a voice she used when she did not want him to do something. “Come here and sit down.”
    Ali came away reluctantly. Seeing this Ali’s mother’s friend just laughed and said, “Oh no, please let him play. These are my son Shaheed’s toys. Wait let me get him.”
    So she went out of the room calling his name. Soon she came back with a little boy of about Ali’s age. He was thin and slightly taller than Ali. He looked like he had just gotten out of bed because of his disheveled black hair. He had a rebellious look in his big black eyes. Ali took an instant dislike to him.
    “Shaheed, this is Ali,” she said, “aren’t you going to greet him?”
    “No,” said at once, “I don’t like him.”
    With that he turned and went to play with his toys. His mother went up to him and asked once more to greet the guests but he did not even answer her. His mother came and sat down on the sofa opposite and laughed.
    “He is in one of his moods today,” she said and laughed again.
    Soon Ali’s mother and her friends were talking when suddenly Shaheed came to his mother and pointed at Ali who had slid down from his seat and had tried to join Shaheed to play with the toys.
    “I don’t want him to play my toys,” he said.
    “Honey, it’s alright,” his mother said. “He wants to be your friend. Why don’t you want to play with him?”
    “No,” he said, and with that he went and pushed Ali. Ali fell down with a thud knocking his head on the floor. Ali’s mother ran and picked him up and rubbed his head where he had hurt himself. Ali began to cry.
    “I am so sorry,” Ali’s mother’s friend apologized. “Is he hurt badly?”
    “Just a bump,” Ali’s mother replied rather coldly. “I think I will go now. My husband will be home any minute.”
    With that she said goodbye to her friend and left.
    Now Ali had observed how Shaheed had behaved. He saw that when he demanded something he got it.
    Now the next day it was nearing lunch time and he wanted to go out and play. He knew if he asked his mother she would not let him go as it would soon be time to eat. But he was determined to go and so he went to his mother.
    “Mother, I want to go out and play,” he demanded as he had seen Shaheed demand.
    “You know you can’t go out to play at this time,” she said, surprised that Ali should even come and ask him knowing the rules.
    “But I want to go out to play,” he said again in a very demanding voice.
    His mother looked at him and saw that he was standing exactly how Shaheed had been standing his arms jutting out slightly and trying to look mean. Now she understood what it was all about. She did not say a word she just took him by his arm and led him to the store and put him there and closed the door.
    “When you behave yourself I will let you out,” she said in a very calm manner.
    Now, here seeing himself in the dark store scared little Ali very much and he started to bawl loudly.
    “Let me out, Mommyyyy…………..” he yelled and sobed. “Mommyyy………………….. let me out!”
    His mother let him cry for a minute or so and then asked, “Will you do that again?”
    “No, Mommy,” he said, sobbing.
    “Say sorry then I will let you out,” his mother said.
    “I am sorry, Mommy,” little Ali said in a small voice.
    Then, his mother opened the door of the store and let him out. At once he jumped in his mother’s arms.
    “Will you do that again?” his mother asked him gently.
    Little Ali shook his head and hid his face in her neck. His mother kissed him and then smiled.
    “You should never copy anyone,” she said, “Now can I have a smile from my little Ali.”
    Ali gave his mother a tearful smile.  
    “Now, your father will be here soon,” she said, “let’s set the table, shall we?”
    Little Ali smiled and ran to help his mother.
    From that day onwards he never demanded anything that he knew he could not get.

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