Thursday 10 November 2016

Little Ali is Lost

Hello, everyone.
    I am sorry I was unable to post any stories for this long on account of some health issues

    The story that I am going to tell you is of little Ali again.
    Ali gets lost and his father and mother and all his neighbours are really worried and look everywhere for him. He is found in the most unthinkable place.
    Read on and find out where. It will bring a smile to your face.

Little Ali is Lost

    Once, Ali’s mother wanted to make puff pastry and she also had to make dinner. It needs a lot of work to make puff pastry. Now as she was starting to gather all the ingredients little Ali came in.
    “What are you doing, Mommy?” he asked.
    “I am making something very nice for you,” she said, “and I don’t want you to disturb me today until I have finished making it, alright? Can you do that?”
    “Alright, Mommy,” he said and asked. “Will it be a very nice thing to eat?”
    “Yes, it will be if you don’t disturb me,” his mother replied, smiling at him. “Now go and play in your room.”
    “Alright, Mommy,” he said and went away.
    Ali’s mother went on with her work.
    When Ali’s father came home from work, Ali did not come to greet him as he usually did. Except for some movement in the kitchen the house was very quiet. Ali’s father was very much surprised and he headed straight to the kitchen where his wife was busy cleaning up after cooking and baking.
    “Where is Ali?” he asked his wife.
    “He must be in his room,” she replied.
    Ali’s father headed straight for his room. When he entered the room silence greeted him. There was not a sound to be heard. Ali wasn’t there but all his toys were scattered on the floor. His father went downstairs.
    “He is not in his room,” announced Ali’s father to his wife.
    Ali’s mother looked puzzled.
   “Are you sure?” she asked him.
   “Yes, I am sure,” he replied.
   “Let’s look in the garden,” his mother suggested.
   And they went outside in search of him, but Ali was nowhere to be seen. It was very frustrating. Where could he have got to?
    They asked the gardener but he said he had not seen him since morning. They called and asked the neighbours but even they hadn’t seen him at all that day. Ali’s mother felt like crying.
    “Where could he be?” she asked in a worried voice. “It’s all my fault. I told him not to disturb me and now he is gone.”
    “It’s not your fault,” Ali’s father said. “You have told him that many times and he would always be playing somewhere. Let’s search again in the garden.”
    They searched again but Ali was nowhere to be seen. His mother began to cry. His father looked ready to cry.
    “Let’s pray,” said his father and they prayed together.
    They sat down thinking what to do.
    “Suppose we call the police,” said Ali’s mother. “People have tried to kidnap him before, you know.”
    She was remembering the time Ali had got lost in the supermarket and a lady had tried to kidnap him.
    “Let us wait for a while,” his father said. “Maybe he will show up just now. You know how he is.”
    “That is true,” said his mother. “Let me just go and look in his room one more time.”
    “We have been there many times,” said his father. “I don’t think you will find him there.”
    “Even then, I am going to have one last look there,” and with that she went upstairs.
    Her husband stood below the stairs.
    Ali’s mother entered the room and it was the same as she had seen it a while ago but there was something she was not doing she felt. She stood in the middle of the room and looked about her. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the curtains drawn over the window which was looking on the side of the house. She went over to the window and peeked behind the curtains not expecting to find anything there. But when she looked there she stared in amazement.
   At once she ran outside the room and beckoned her husband to come upstairs. He came with leaps and bounds to see what she had to show him. She led him to the window and drew the curtain open softly.
   There on the windowsill was little Ali curled up and sleeping peacefully!
    Ali’s mother and father both looked at each other and chuckled with relief. As they were watching Ali opened his eyes and looked at them. His mother picked him up and kissed him all over his face.
   “You had us worried sick, you naughty little boy,” she said rubbing her nose against his.
    Then they informed the gardener and the neighbours that they had found Ali. When they learned where he was they were all amused. I can tell you that!

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