Thursday 29 June 2017

The Tailor and the Elephant

Hello, everyone.
    The story that I am going to tell you today is a funny story. It’s about a tailor and an elephant. The tailor wanted to know what would happen if he pricked an elephant with a needle. Would the elephant feel pain?
    Read on and find out.

The Tailor and the Elephant

    Ramu was a tailor. He had a friend called Jaggu. Jaggu had an elephant and he passed Ramu’s shop every morning when he took his elephant Kallu to drink water from the river nearby. Ramu and Jaggu were good friends so when Jaggu passed Ramu’s shop he was bound to stop and have a chat with his friend.
    Now Ramu had a problem. Every time that Kallu passed by his shop he wondered what would happen if he pricked that elephant with a needle? He was very curious to know. The elephant was such a huge animal and would it feel the pain like anybody or not? He became so curious as the days went by that he could not stop thinking about it. He could not even sleep at night. He tossed and turned and kept thinking how he could find out. At last he could not bear it anymore and decided he would prick Kallu with a needle the very next day and see what would happen?
    So the next day Ramu waited at the door of his shop with a needle in his hand. He hid his hand behind his back so that Jaggu would not see the needle. When Jaggu came he went to greet his friend. They started chatting and as they talked Ramu moved closer and closer to Kallu the elephant and when he was near enough he pricked the elephant in the leg. Kallu just moved his leg and stood there. Then the two friends said goodbye to each other and Ramu went into his shop and Jaggu went on his way to the river. Jaggu had no idea what had happened. Here Ramu was satisfied that the elephant had hardly felt the needle.
    Now here Kallu having pricked by a needle was furious. He was calm but he knew exactly what to do. As you know elephants have very good memories. So when Kallu reached the river with Jaggu he had his bath and then he put his trunk in the water to drink. When he had drunk enough water he went to the side where there was plenty of mud. He took up a lot mud in his trunk and waited for Jaggu to lead him home. Soon Jaggu stood up from where he was sitting when he saw that Kallu was ready to leave and led him towards home. Now when they reached Ramu’s shop Kallu headed straight for it.
    Ramu was sitting at his sewing machine sewing away busily as Diwali was approaching and he had a lot of clothes to sew. Suddenly he saw Kallu head straight for him. Jaggu tried to stop him but it was in vain. Kallu squirted all the mud on Ramu and backed away. Ramu got all drenched with mud. Not only that the expensive cloth he was stitching also got drenched with mud!
    Jaggu was very much surprised at Kallu’s behaviour. Then the next day he got to know from Ramu the whole story when Ramu told it to him shamefacedly.
    Jaggu laughed till his sides ached.
    So you see children never ever underestimate anybody’s pain. The tailor thought the elephant would not feel any pain but he was so wrong. It is very cruel to treat animals badly.