Thursday 22 December 2016

Little Ali and the Freezer

Hello, everyone.
    I am going to tell you another one of little Ali’s stories. Ali tries to help his mother to put away the shopping things. What happens will leave in stitches!

Little Ali and the Freezer

    Ali’s mother took him with her to do the monthly shopping. She always told him to hold her hand and when she was busy taking the things she wanted she told him to hold on to her Punjabi top she was wearing. Today she had to do a lot of shopping as she was going to be very busy that month. So she decided to buy some frozen things as well. Things that she normally would make at home like fries or fresh peas. This time she bought frozen ones as she knew she would not have much time to cook as she wanted to clean the whole house. Ali’s mother finished her shopping and went home.
    When they reached home she immediately started to put all the things away. Now this time, there were more frozen things and so started with that. Now one thing that Ali loved to do was to put things in the freezer but his mother did not allow him to do that for fear of him falling in. Seeing his mother putting away the things he started his tantrums.
    “Mommy, can I put the things in the freezer?” he asked, knowing very well his mother would refuse.
    “Ali, how many times have I told you, no?” she said.
    “But, Mommy I will be careful,” he insisted.
    “Well, alright,” she said with a sigh. “Put the things on the top shelf and then I will come and stack them at the bottom. You don’t put them there. You will fall inside.”
    “Alright, Mommy,” he said and took a packet of meat and a packet of fries.
    When he reached the freezer which was in the dining room he opened it and put the things on the top shelf. Then, he looked inside the freezer and decided it was not so deep. He could easily put it at the bottom. Imagine his mother’s surprise when she would see that he had done it!
    So he took the packet of meat started to put it down. The freezer was high and he couldn’t reach so tried to stretch and put it at the bottom. It was far down and he still could not reach down and so stretched even more. In doing so, he fell inside with his hands at the bottom and his legs stretched out at the top. He couldn’t get out and he started to bawl.

   “Mommyyyy! Help! Help” he yelled and screamed.
    His mother was in the kitchen putting the things away. When she heard him she knew at once what had happened and ran to where he was. When she saw him with his top inside and his legs waving in the air she wanted to laugh but suppressed her laughter. She ran and tried to put him right but his hands had got stuck at the bottom. She quickly brought some water in a jug and poured it there which melted the dry ice and freed his hands. She put took him out and stood him up. She looked at him and she wanted to be angry with him but couldn’t. She remembered the sight of him when he had fallen inside the freezer. His chubby legs waving in the air! It was such a funny sight that she just couldn’t scold him and instead burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she was bent double. When Ali saw his mother laughing he bawled even louder.
    “I’m sorry, Ali,” she said, wiping her tears, “but you looked so funny. You see now what happens when you don’t listen to Mommy?”
    Ali stopped crying and looked ashamed of himself.
    “I’m sorry, Mommy,” he said, hanging his head. “I won’t do it again.”
    “See that it doesn’t happen again,” his mother said with a hug. “Now run along and play. I will finish the rest of the work.”
     Ali did not dare ask his mother to help after what had just happened and so he just went away meekly to play.
    In the evening when Ali’s father came home he was given the story and even he chuckled. This time Ali did not cry but he giggled as well.

Sunday 18 December 2016

The Shopper's Club

Hello, everyone!
    I am sorry for not posting any stories for so long. I had too many things to do.
    The story that I am going to tell you is my own creation. It is the story of three children who are bored and their mother suggested an idea.
   The children took up that idea and see if they were successful or not. Read on and find out.

The Shoppers Club

    “I am so bored,” complained George.
    “We all are,” said Pam.
    Pam and George were brother and sister. Pam was a year older then George who was nine years old which made Pam ten years old. Their friend Pat was the same age as Pam. She had come to visit them today and they were all sitting on the steps of the front door.
    They were having school holidays. They had been very excited when they the holidays came but as always halfway through they got bored.
    “I wish there was something there was we could do,” said Pat, their friend.
    Just then Pam and George’s mother came out to get something from the garden when she saw the children sitting there with long faces.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked. “You look like you have just lost a pound and found a penny.”
    “We are bored,” replied Pam.
    Her mother sat down on the steps as well.
    “How about those books you all wanted to read and those puzzles you wanted to do?” she asked.
    “We have done all that,” she replied with a sigh.
    “How about playing a game?” she asked again trying very hard to hide a smile.
    “We don’t feel like playing anything,” said Pat, “we are tired of playing the same games all the time.”
    “Well, how about forming a club where you could earn some money and have fun doing it?” she suggested.
    All the children sat up straight, very much interested.
   “It would be nice if we could earn some money,” said Pat. “Mother’s birthday is next month and I am broke.”
    “But what could we do to earn some?” said George.
    “Well, how about shopping for people?” his mother suggested. “People are so busy these days they don’t have time to go and buy everyday things. Think about it. If you do I will be the first one to send you on and errand.”
    With that she stood up and left.
   The children started to discuss what to do. Then Pam came up with an idea.
    “How about if we ran errands for people and charge them some money?” she said, her eyes shining. “We could not only buy things for people but we could deliver things they wanted delivered.”
    “That is a splendid idea!” said Pat. “But how are we going to let people know what we are doing?”
    “We could print out a poster and put it on our gate,” said George, excitedly. “I could do that easily. But what are we going to name our club?”
    Everybody sat down and thought about it and then Pat had an idea.
    “How about if we called it ‘The Shopper’s Club’?” she suggested.
    Pam and George thought it was a good idea and so it was called, The Shopper’s Club’.
    Everybody talked excitedly and decided what to write on the poster.
   Here is what they wrote:

The Shopper’s Club
We shop for you and deliver anything to your doorstep
For more details call:
    Then they wrote Pam’s phone number there.
     Their first customer was Pam and George’s mother as she had promised. She sent them to buy some eggs and cheese.
    Soon as the word got around they got pretty busy.
    One day, Pam got a call from a lady. She wanted to deliver a cake to Mrs. Howard. Now as the others did not have anything to do that morning so they all decided to accompany Pam.
    Mrs. Howard was an old lady who lived nearby and so they collected the cake and went to deliver to her. When they reached there they rang the doorbell and waited and there was no answer. They rang again and again there was no answer. Then they knocked loudly and started calling, “Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Howard.” This time they heard a very faint sound as if somebody was calling for help.
    The children looked at one another not knowing what to do. As last Pam spoke up, “I think we should go inside and see.”
    They tried to door and it was locked. Then they looked for any windows that were open. Luckily they found one. The problem was it was a bit high. How could any of them get inside?
     Then Pat suggested she would go inside as she was rather small, she would be able to fit in that window. But now how to reach there?
    “I will crouch down and then you stand on my back and climb in,” said George.
    And so he crouched down and Pat stood on his back and climbed in quite easily. Once inside she opened the door for everyone to get in.
    They heard a moan and as they went towards the back room it got louder.
    When they entered the room, they were shocked to see Mrs. Howard lying on the floor near her bed.
    “Please, help me,” she said. “I can’t get up. I think I have broken my leg. Can you please call the hospital and my husband? My phone is on the bed stand.”
    “Of course, we will,” said Pam and she took it up and called the hospital and her husband.
    Soon, Mr. Howard and the ambulance were there and they took Mrs. Howard away to the hospital.
    The next day Mr. Howard came to see the children and thanked them very much. He told them that they had operated on Mrs. Howard and she will be out of the hospital very soon.
    Then, he surprised them all by giving them a basket each to put their things when they went shopping! They were beautiful colours of blue, green and red.
    The children were delighted with their gifts.
    And now we leave them and maybe we will follow some more of their adventures in future.
    If you have liked my story, please give me thumbs up and like my page on facebook if you haven’t already and follow me for some awesome stories like these every week.
    It would be nice if you leave a comment to tell me how liked my story.